Chapter 3

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Nico walked outside to the balcony to find Walt and Carter talking. The scrying bowl that Carter used lit up, showing an image of Sadie running away from something. "Sadie's in trouble!" Carter yelled, turning and noticing me.

"We have to get to London!" Carter explained, gesturing to the scrying bowl. He turned to Walt. "Do you have any transportation amulets?" he asked. Before Walt could say anything, Nico stepped up. "I can shadow-travel us there," he said.

Both Carter and Walt gave him puzzled looks. Nico mentally facepalmed, remembering that neither of them knew what shadow-travel was. And it was daytime, too, but he figured that since he was hosting Anubis, it would work.

"It's like... using shadows for teleportation," Nico tried to explain. Walt raised an eyebrow at him, but said nothing. Nico held out his hands, and they both took one. In a few seconds, they were surrounded by shadows.


Sadie's PoV ~

"Sadie." I turned to see a young man in completely black clothes. Anubis. My mates, Liz and Emma, turned and gasped at the sight of him. "Step into my territory. We need to talk, and there isn't much time," Anubis explained, holding out his hand toward me. Liz and Emma were both bright red, and it appeared to me that their brains had just ceased to function after being chased by Babi and Nekhet and running into Anubis, who was really really good-looking.

"Um, wait by the gate? I'll be right back," I told them, following Anubis further into the graveyard.

"Pleased to see you again, Sadie," Anubis said with a small smirk. I pretended to pout. "You know, you have a host. It's not like you haven't seen me," I replied. He held my hands gently. "Yeah... but I haven't been able to speak with you privately."

"You're running to St. Petersburg, right? The second section of the Book of Ra is sitting there. But you have to be cautious. It's a trap. Menshikov is hoping to bait you," Anubis explained. I frowned. "Yeah, no. I've got bigger problems than the Book of Ra at the moment. Two gods have possessed my grandparents. If you want to lend a hand-" He cut me off. "Sadie, I can't intervene," he said wistfully. I tilted my head at him quizzically. "But can't your host- Nico, help?" He smiled sadly. "He is actually going to be here soon."

A floating short sword appeared in his hands. "This is a netjeri blade, made from meteoric iron. It's used for a ceremony called the opening of the mouth." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, well, if I survive the day, I'll be sure to take this razor and open someone's mouth, thanks ever so much." I paused to catch my breath. "Well, then, god of pretty much nothing useful, anything else before I get myself killed?"

Anubis looked at me gravely. "Take the Underground. There's a station half a block south. They won't be able to track you very well below the earth." He was silent for a moment, seeming to recall something. "Oh, and I told your driver to come get you at Waterloo Station."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "My driver?" Anubis leaned in toward me, his expression grim. "Bast couldn't join you on your quest to find the Book of Ra, so she called on a friend to chaperone you."

I stared into his mesmerizing melted-chocolate brown eyes. I felt my cheeks grow slightly warm.

"I'm sorry I can't do more. Now, go! And happy birthday, Sadie," he said, and I felt him press his lips against mine in a kiss. This time, my brain practically exploded in happy fireworks, my cheeks tomato red. In a few seconds, Anubis dissipated into mist.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned to find Carter, Walt, and Nico walking out from the nearby shadows.

"The- huh- what?" I stammered. I looked between Nico and the place Anubis had just been standing. "How does that work?!" I demanded. Carter and Walt gave me confused glances.

Death's Alternate (A Kane Chronicles x PJO FanFic [Nico di Angelo meets Anubis])Where stories live. Discover now