(44.2. Crash)

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Y/n POV//

I woke back up why felt like only a couple of seconds later. I remembered exactly what happened so I shot up wide awake and tried getting up but Will and Natalie were both there to stop me. "Where's Jay?" I looked over to see the guys pulling him out of the car. His body was completely limp.

With whatever strength I had left I got up, ignoring whatever Natalie and Will were hollering at me. "I don't have a pulse." I heard Gabby say.

I collapsed beside Jay. "Jay please wake up," I spoke into his ear not being able to contain my tears. I felt someone trying to pull me away from him. "NO," I yelled not bothering to look back.

I saw paramedics come down with a stretcher to grab him and this time whoever was behind me pulled me back harder managing to lift me up and carry me away. "Bear it's okay." it's like my brain finally accepted hearing Kelly's voice. I calmed down and his grip loosened up slightly.

"Kelly he needs to live, I didn't get to say yes..." I opened my hand revealing the ring I had grabbed.

Kelly was tearing up. "He's gonna be just fine." He tried comforting me but I knew no one could be sure of that.

I watched as the paramedics loaded Jay onto the back of the ambulance and I tried to run up after them but they took off before I could reach them. "C, mon let's go." Trudy had pulled up in her car beside me. I didn't hesitate to hop in and we drove off.

I looked down at my hand to look at the ring one more time and noticed my hands were shaking a lot, and then I realized my breathing was still super accelerated. "Honey, you need to breathe, are you alright?" Mouch looked back concern filled his face.

"I-I can't breathe." I felt like my extremities were going numb and I couldn't catch a breath. "Mah I can't breathe." I wheezed to Trudy, as I kept crying.

"You're okay honey I think you're having a panic attack." She pulled the car to the side. "Mouch drive." She instructed and Mouch hopped into the driver's seat while Trudy joined me in the back.

"Help." I wheezed still feeling like at any second now I could literally die.

"Ok Honey listen to me I need you to breathe with me." Trudy grabbed my hands. She breathed in and out slowly guiding me to do the same.

"I can't-" it was getting better but I still felt like I wasn't getting any air in.

"Just focus on breathing honey, in....and out." Trudy kept guiding me.

I then felt like I was better but still couldn't stop crying. "He can't die Mah." I sobbed in her arms.

"We're here!" Mouch pulled over.

I ran out of the car and into the E.R, Jay being rolled in a couple of meters away from me.


It had been almost been 2 hours since Jay had gone into the O.R, he was breathing once he got to the hospital but his leg had been really busted up and they needed to close up the gash in his head.

Will and Natalie had practically forced me to get checked out and I was fine apart from some scrapes and bruises. Everyone else was in the waiting room, dressed way too nicely for being there but no one wanted to leave Jay or me.

I was sitting in between Stellaride, Kelly wouldn't let go of my hand and I was resting my head on Stella's shoulder. As much as I tried to stay awake I had taken a bad hit myself so I dozed off a few times. 

"Sweetie." I heard Stella's voice and I snapped my eyes open seeing that Connor had come out of the O.R.

"How is he?" I asked him immediately.

Jay Halstead x Reader Story/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now