(54.3. My dad)

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TW// Mentions of R*pe, Torture

I had managed to get a few hours of sleep. I woke up and took a quick shower and had some breakfast and then my phone rang.

'Jay 😍💍' read the name on my phone, the emojis always brought a smile to my face.

"Hey, baby." I picked up.

"Have you had breakfast? I'm downstairs." He asked me.

"Yep, I'm ready to head to work, I'll be down in a sec." I hung up before letting him say anything else.

I grabbed my coat and my bag and headed downstairs. Jay was parked out front and I hopped straight in.

"Morning." he leaned over to give me a kiss.

"Morning." I kissed him back. "Have you slept at all?" I asked noticing the bags under his eyes.

"I slept 2-3 hours on the couch in the coffee room." He shrugged it off. "We have good leads though."

"Oh please, pray tell." It was no lie I was dying to know more information about the murder I was supposedly involved in.

"So found out that Cainan Nichols-"

"My dad."

Jay turned to me with an unconvinced look in his eyes. "Cainan Nichols has been part of one of the biggest drug trafficking rings for the past 20 years, he was the man behind it all. Gregory Rubio, was an undercover cop, been working on Nichols for years trying to catch him in the act, turns out sometime last year he went missing, they managed to track him down a couple of days ago and that's when they found Nichols, Rubio's body was found in a barrel in the same building in early stages of decomp, visible signs of torture." Jay explained.

"Okay and so how do I end up tied to all this?" I still didn't see any links.

"Well turns out they found strands of your hair in the same building, in the same room where they found Rubio's body, and the same room where he was tortured," Jay revealed.

"What? That doesn't make any sense, somebody must have planted that there." I realized things were looking pretty bad for me.

"Well, we know that, proving it is harder than we thought though. We've been mapping out your every move for the past few weeks and we've got your alibi for most times, except there are 3 separate times where you've got no alibi, you're in no security footage and you seem to be out of the radar. I think Nichols had been planning this for a while." I could see Jay was angry and nervous.

"What d'you mean?"

"I talked to Trudy, she told me your mother never told Nichols she was pregnant, she protected you from him because..." He stopped himself.

"Because what Jay?" I insisted he went on.

"Because she was r*ped...she was r*ped by Nichols and that's how she got pregnant." His look of anger was replaced by concern as he told me this.

I felt a shock that filled my whole body, what I'd known had been a lie. "Trudy lied to me," I whispered more to myself, trying to process what Jay had just told me. "My father is a monster..." I continued muttering, "I'm the daughter of a monster." I felt my eyes start to water as I felt anger, betrayal, sadness fill my body.

We had arrived at the precinct and Jay parked. "Hey, listen to me." He grabbed my hands. "You are nothing like him, you have nothing to do with him okay. He's just using you, he wants you to go down for what he's done, but you're stronger than that y/n, you're the best goddamn detective this city has ever seen." I looked up to meet his eyes. "Nichols chose the wrong team to mess with, we're bringing him down, you, me, and the whole team show him he's got no control over you."

I nodded. Jay was right, Nichols had nothing to do with me, I was better than him, stronger than him and I wasn't going to let him take everything I loved away from me. "Okay, you're right, let's go get this son of a bitch." I felt this sudden wave of confidence.

Jay and I got out of the car and started heading upstairs. I noticed the team was in deep focus, the office completely silent. "y/n, I'm sure Jay's updated you." Hank walked out of his office.

"Yes, he did. I just wish I would have known, maybe none of this would've happened." I was still a little angry, I knew that if Trudy knew, Hank knew.

"Hey, this isn't anyone's fault. Get to work, we gotta get your name cleared." he winked.

I walked over to my desk and started setting up just as Superintendent Kelton walked up. "Detectives." he greeted us.

We all bowed our heads slightly. "Superintendent Kelton." A couple of us greeted back.

"Hank, Det. y/l/n can I talk to you in private for a second," he spoke to Hank and me.

"Sure." I got up, I had a feeling I knew what this was about.

"C,mon." Hank led us to his office.

I stood by the door choosing not to sit down. "How's the case going?" Kelton asked us, using his fake nice voice.

"Good, we've got a lot of information already." Hank kept the answer short.

"Alright, that's good." he faked a smile. "So here's the deal, I'm gonna need you off," he spoke to me.

"Look, Superintendent Kelton, I know that this man is supposed to be my father but I have no connection to him, I didn't do what he said I did-" I began defending myself.

"I know detective, but I can't have the press finding out I've got a murder suspect working her own case against her father." he cut me off.

"The press?" I scoffed, this was all about the public eye and money for him.

"Unfortunately some information already got leaked, so I'm gonna need you off this case immediately, and I'll also need your badge and your gun detective, you're relieved off your duties for now." He extended his palm out.

"You've got to be kidding me." I was fighting the urge to punch Kelton right across the face.

"Kelton, I'll take full responsibility for whatever may come, you can't take her off the case." Hank tried defending me.

I noticed Kelton grow angry, everyone knew he hated being challenged. "Oh I sure can, and I did, now hand me your badge, your gun, and go home!" Kelton raised his voice.

I pulled out my gun and my badge and slammed it down on his hand. "You disgust me." I spat at Kelton before walking out of the door. "I'm off the case! Hell, I'm relieved of my duties! Bad for the press to find out my daddy's a drug lord and a murderer" I walked out of Hank's office and let the team know, not caring if Kelton was hearing this.

"What?" They all grew angry at hearing this.

"I'll see you at the home babe." I grabbed my coat and told Jay while walking out of the office. I couldn't handle more crap from anyone right now.

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