(28. Through thick and thin)

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*Inspired by Chicago PD S4, Ep 5 A War Zone

I was in the shower getting ready to head to work. I heard a knock at the door before Jay walked in. "Babe, Will called me, he wants me to go in to take a look at one of his patients he thinks might be related to something in our realms. I let Hank know." He told me.

I poked my head out of the shower. "I'll come with you, give me 10 mins." I hurried things up.


I strapped on my duty belt and met Jay in the living room. "You ready?" He asked me'

"Let's go." I nodded grabbing my jacket. Jay opened the door for me and we walked down.

Jay drove us to the hospital and once we got there Will spotted us walking over. "Hey." He greeted us, giving me a quick side hug.

"So what's up man." Jay asked his brother after giving him a fist bump.

"Yeah, come with me." He pulled us to the center of the E.R where we wouldn't get in the way. "We've gotten numerous patients come in, Fentanyl ODs. I wouldn't have called you if I didn't think it was worth checking out." Will told us.

"I'll call narcotics see if they know anything." I told them stepping away to call.

I was hanging up when Jay walked over to me. "Ruz called, there's a suspicious package by the lake, they want us there." Jay told me.

"Alright let's go." We got in the car and I drove us to the lake." Once we got there Hank called Jay over and pointed for me to go with the rest of the group.

I met with them and Mouse started catching me up on what they knew when we heard a scream coming from further down the beach.

I started running towards it as did everyone else. There was a kid screaming, I approached him and knelt in front of him. "What's wrong?" I asked him as everyone else waited for an answer too.

He pointed at the water further down and we saw a body floating face down in the water. Jay and Adam ran into the water grabbing the body and pulling it out.

They turned it and we were all horrified to see the face bashed in. I quickly covered the kid's face bringing him closer to me. As if I would be able to protect his innocence.


We headed to the office and started investigating the fentanyl overdoses that Will asked us too as well as the body that we had just found. My desk phone started ringing I picked it up and it was the corner letting us know that she had a report ready I thanked her before hanging up.

"Sarge that was the corner she has a report for us." I walked into Hank's office.

"Ok, you and Halstead get over there." Hank told me. I nodded and headed back to my desk to grab my coat.

"Let's go, we're heading to the morgue." I told him, he got up grabbing his coat ready to leave.

Once Jay and I got there the corner let us know that these past few days had been overwhelming and that she had gotten multiple bodies with the same cause of death, fentanyl overdoses. What was strange however was that the body we found didn't die from the same cause which pointed to the fact that this could be unrelated.

Jay called the team letting them know what we found out. On our way back we came in through the garage. Mouse was working downstairs and he hollered for Jay.

"Can I talk to you for a sec man?" He called Jay.

"Sure." Jay let go of my hand.

"I'll meet you upstairs." I smiled feeling like this was gonna be a serious conversation judging by Mouse's expression.

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