(53. It's a baby!)

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*Inspired by Chicago PD Season 6, Ep 7 Trigger

We had been following a case to do with a bombing at a Military recruitment center. As soon as Sarge told us about the case I could tell Jay was going to take it a little deeper than any other case.

Kev was going undercover at a mosque again, Jay and I kept watch outside. Kev knew what he was doing and he knew how far to push in this case. Once we were back at the district all of us except Jay thought it best to wait things out.

"What about the 'Chicago must burn' manifest? We can't wait this out Sarge." Jay told Hank.

"Jay, we don't have enough concrete evidence" Hank began telling him when all of our radios went off.

"Sarge, possible bomb at the VA hospital." Adam came in to let us know.

"The two Halsteads, go. We'll send the bomb squad." Hank instructed both Jay and I.

We suited up and Jay drove as fast as he could to the hospital. Once we got there, there were already uniformed officers on scene creating a perimeter.

The bomb squad had checked the hospital and found nothing, Jay chatted with an officer while I walked off to update the team through the radio.

"Sarge this is y/l/n" I decided to keep my last name at work to avoid confusions. "No bomb at the scene-" I started.

A large explosion happened a few feet away from me, the blast sending me stumbling back and making my ears ring.

"Jay." I breathed as soon as I registered what was happening.

"Y/n! You okay?!." I heard Jay's muffled voice and then felt his arms behind me helping me up.

"Yeah." I nodded even though my hearing hadn't fully come back.

We both ran forward towards the people closest to the blast trying to help. Jay and I shared a look, I knew we both wondered how we could've missed this.

Jay and I drove back to the district.

"Are you alright?" I placed my hand on Jay's thigh as soon as he parked.

He took a deep breath and turned to me, I could tell he was angry. "I just want to stop whoever is doing this." He slipped his fingers into my hand.

"We will, just don't do anything crazy please." I leaned over for a kiss and he returned the gesture.

After more investigation we found that the bombs had been undetectable to the dogs because of the ingredients used in them.

It seemed as though we followed thousands of leads in this case which took us nowhere until we found a lead that took us to a guy names Tariq, but after following and trying to catch him he only got himself killed.

Jay's frustration only grew bigger and bigger with each thread we pulled. Hank constantly found himself reminding Jay to stick to the plan and keep his personal feelings aside but it seemed as though it went in through one ear and out the other. I knew what this meant to Jay but I also knew that when hr got like this he was only increasing the risks of getting himself killed.

Jay Halstead x Reader Story/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now