8 - Sunglasses

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"They're in Moscow."

Canada tilted his head surprised at the blunt answer. He'd expected an approximation of a location or somewhat of a trail to where his brother could be. But then again, he severely underestimated the German's abilities.

"How are you so sure?" He asked anyway, watching as Germany pushed up his glasses with a smirk.

"When you're in my line of work Nada, you have to have informants that might work outside some fields. Or in this case, the law." Germany leaned himself up against the brick wall.

The two of them were standing outside the police station near the parking lot making sure to keep their voices low. Canada was almost on the edge of his toes waiting for the detective to tell him their next move. But Germany seemed oddly relaxed even with this new information.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go to Moscow!" Canada whispered with an edge to his voice.

"Sadly it's not that simple. If we were to leave now, we would risk alerting not only the police but also the other... members figuring out that we have information that they don't. And information is probably one of the most valuable things any person can have. So we have to safeguard it Canada. We lay low for a day or two. When all this is sorted out I'll make up an excuse to go to Moscow." Germany stated. He pushed himself up off the wall and started walking back to the front of the station.

"I'm going to let them know that we're heading out for the night. You stay here and Canada, and actually, listen this time?"

Canada smiled and gave a nod. He watched the detective leave as his mind started filling up with thoughts. He was so close to finding his brother. Moscow, if he approximated correctly, was only a 7-hour drive away. That meant America was only 7 hours away.

A new wave of excitement washed over Canada as he realized that he was finally gonna see America again. Alive and well and hopefully safe. He was with Russia after all. Something told Canada that as long as America was with Russia, he would be safe. After all, it didn't make sense for the Russian to go to such lengths to help his brother escape. There was more happening here than Canada had previously believed.

At the same time, Canada was ecstatic that America had (hopefully) made a new friend! The American was friendly but distant when it came to actually reach out to people on his own. Canada had a gut feeling that there was more to America's relationship with Russia than just a victim in a kidnapping.

Canada continued pondering through his thoughts not noticing the detective come back out.

"We're good to go Nada. Come on." Germany said breaking Canada out of his stance. Canada nodded, hurrying along to catch up with the detective.

"Where are we going?" Canada asked trailing just a couple inches behind the detective. He didn't want to seem too eager especially after causing this much trouble for Germany.

"The hotel. I think we've had quite the day. Some rest would do us both good." Germany responded. Canada nodded zoning out once more.

The sun had already set during their time at the station. The once rush-hour streets were now only filled with the occasional taxi that took passengers to last night dinners. Most importantly, the lights of the city had begun to appear with whites and yellows dotting the streets as well as open windows in large skyscrapers.

The walk to the hotel wasn't far, as Germany had deliberately picked a location close to both the airport and the station. Their room was small with a single bed and a couch (Germany hadn't planned to have a roommate). Canada had been in hotel rooms before but nothing quite like this. The ones his father ever booked for them were about the size of a small house with separate rooms for every commodity.

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