1 - Dancing With a Stranger

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What's good peeps? I love rusame and so had to make a fic. There is going to be no set schedule for this so don't expect it to come out at a certain time with my other work. Hope you enjoy!


The country straightened his tie and reached for his feathered mask on the dresser. He examined the black beads that lined the bottom of the eye holes. The black feathers had a gleaming look to them and suddenly America didn't feel too bad about having to ditch his sunglasses.

Still, he gently placed his glasses in the pocket of his jacket. America looked up, putting on the mask, to see electric blue eyes staring back. He frowned looking away. His father knew how much he despised not being allowed to wear his glasses. And what better way to get him to keep them off than a masquerade ball?

America turned around reaching for his phone when a knock sounded at his door. Slowly it creaked open to reveal a familiar Canadian styling a maroon suit and a deep red mask.

"Hey Ame! You ready? Dad says we're leaving in 5." He smiled.

America swiftly grabbed his phone walking over to his brother. "Yeah I'm ready, let's go."

Canada looked at America and nodded at his choice in dressing, America wore a navy blue suit with a matching tie. His sleeves had silver cuffs as accents that helped make him stand out.

Canada expected nothing less from his older brother. Since he was younger, Britain usually gave him some leverage on what he could wear and do. But America? America was the family's heir. The heir to Britain's billion dollar company and the eye of attention in every gathering. He was required to be perfect in every which way.

"Plan on doing much tonight?" Canada asked punching America lightly in the shoulder. America smiled.

"Not much actually. Mostly just to be my charming self. Maybe I'll actually enjoy the night. And pick up some girls or guys if I feel like it." He said smirking. "I don't discriminate." He added with a shitty grin.

Canada groaned. "Not again... can you leave me out of this one?"

"Aw come on! You have to start talking to people. I mean look at you. A perfect candidate who's single and ready to mingle!" America finger guned Canada only to receive a light shove in the opposite direction.

The two bickered their way down the stairs and outside where a limo was waiting along with their father. America immediately tensed up placing his hands behind his back and walking ahead.

"Father." He said with a polite nod.

"America. Canada. About time you showed up. Can't have us being late to the gathering now can we?"

America simply nodded. "I apologize for the wait."

With that, the three got into the car without another word.

The drive was quite short and soon they arrived at their destination which was being held inside a beautiful Victorian style mansion. Their chauffeur swiftly opened the door letting the small group out.

One by one they walked inside, Britain handing their invitations to the man at the front of the door. As soon as they entered, orchestral music drifted to America's ears making him turn towards the side where a small orchestra played.

They three split up almost immediately, Britain walking towards a group of familiar faces, Canada spotting some friends and America looking for the food and drinks.

It didn't take long before he spotted a grand table in the side filled with goodies. He was about to reach for a pastry when he suddenly saw Britain side glance him a look of warning.

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