Chapter Nine

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Aadil's POV.

I made my way up to my room and flung myself on the couch. I was sniffing and sneezing seriously as a result of the spicy soup. "I know Farha did it on purpose, but when she saw how it had hurt me, she couldn't help it. I don't know why she's doing all of these to me and hurting herself indirectly. She isn't just being sincere to herself. I just hope that she won't hurt me again for the rest of today cause she's just getting too far. I'll go to work by the evening and it's still far from now. Oh Allah please put your fear in Farha's mind" I was thinking all these while and just then, Ablah called. I couldn't even control myself as I was still sniffing and sneezing and Ablah noticed immediately.

Ablah: Subhanallah Aadil. Kia Howa? Why are you crying?
Me: Crying uhn? Why would I cry? I'm not crying I'm perfectly fine.
Ablah: you know you're lying to me Aadil. Tell me now, what's wrong?
Me: Ablah I'm not crying okay, I... I just take a lot of cold things lately that's why I'm sniffing and sneezing.
Ablah: Seriously Aadil. You know the weather is extremely cold right now and you still take cold things? Mom has also warned you as well but you don't listen. You're so adamant.
Me: I'm so sorry Ablah. I won't do it again.
Ablah: you should be sorry for yourself. Just look at what you've gotten yourself into. You'll become cold very soon now and cause trouble for bhabhi (sister-in-law), infact give the phone to bhabhi I want to talk to her.
Me: she's not here.
Ablah: she's not with you? Where is she then?
Me: don't worry I'll go and give her the phone now. Hang on.

I put the phone on hold and was about going out when Farha came in. "Thank God you're here" I said and she gave me a "what is it" gesture. "Ablah is on phone, she wants to talk to you" I said and she nodded. I handed over the phone to her and went back to sit on the couch trying to calm myself and stop myself from sniffing. Soon, she hung up on the call after having a few words with Ablah and her next move hit me to a whirl. "So you told lies to Ablah about what is happening to you. I thought you were a religious guy and that you won't lie? Why didn't you tell her that the food I gave you was spicy?" She said howling and I was speechless. "Isn't she the cause of everything? And now this?" I thought.

Me: Farha what are you saying and how do you expect me to tell Ablah that you had purposely given me a spicy food. She would have found out that I was bothering you with chores and then she'll report to my mom.
Farha: That's it! You only care about your self but what about me? Ablah had to tell me that I should make sure to do my duties of taking care of you well.
Me: it's not like that Farha
Farha: Then how is it? Uhn? Tell me. She thought that I didn't monitor you well and I allowed you to take cold things.
Me: I didn't mean it that way Farha I only wanted to cover up for you because I knew you did it on purpose
Farha: And it's true I did it on purpose. But one thing is clear Aadil, you only cared about how your mother would feel when she finds out that I am the one doing the house chores but you never gave it a thought how she would react to me if she found out that I was allowing her fluffy very fair skinned boy to take cold things in a cold weather. She would think of me as an irresponsible wife.
Me: Farha you're taking this too far.
Farha: infact, it's of no use talking to you. Just... Just get lost now.

Farha yelled and squealed and soon she was out of the room slamming the door behind her. "Ya Allah! Why is Farha like this?" I thought to myself. "Why Allah? Why? She wasn't like this from the start, she was just mean and I know it's normal for girls to be mean at boys but now I'm her husband. Would she treat me this way for the rest of our marital lives? Would she continue this way? Ya Rabb please come to my aid" I thought and proceeded to the washroom to perform ablution after which I observed two rakahs of Tatawah (voluntary prayer) and cried onto my Lord to Grant Farha a change of heart.

Farha's POV.
Evening came very fast and Aadil would be going to the hospital any moment from now. I laid on the big softy couch in the living room watching my favorite program on TV when the doorbell rang. I went to the door and saw that it was Arham then I let him in. Rushing up the stairs to go inform Aadil, he was already on his way and we bumped into each other by the door of his room. "Umm, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were coming already" I said and he nodded. "Arham is around" I announced while fidgeting and he nodded in response again. "Have you observed salaht Asr?" He landed the question right in my ears. "um... I... Well... Yes... I think..." I said stuttering and he caught me right there. "You know Farha, you should be rated zero percent when it comes to putting on an act, and lying as well" he announced and I set my eyes wide open. "What was that? What does it mean?" I managed to speak and he just let out a chuckle. "You do understand what I mean Im sure. Now go in and observe your namaz I do have a solution to your problem of skipping salaht" he said and proceeded to go while I was shocked. "I really can't get away with acting and lying to Aadil. He just always catches me" I thought and left for my room.
Back to the living room, I noticed that everywhere was already cleared. "No one, no Aadil. Only me in this mansion. How will I cope now? I have even sent the maids on leave and it would have been better if they were here. Ahhh what a bad decision I had made? And Aadil has stopped me from going out with my friends. What now!?" I thought to myself looking lost. "I even wanted Aadil to go away from home but the truth is that I will miss him. I'm going to miss him so much. How.... He... he's going to be away for a whole night" I thought again almost sobbing. "I'm already missing you my Aadil. My innocent Pakistani husband. My beautiful husband. why now?" I thought as I struggled with the pain I felt, hugging the pillow tight, while lying on the couch. I was actually missing everything about him. His voice, his smile, his innocence, his cologne, the way I always get caught by him. I couldn't just help the fact that I was going to stay without him for a whole night and part of the day cause he would only be back around 10:00am in the morning. No one to call me princess and stoke my hair to wake me up for Fajr in the morning. I was so lost in my husband's thought that I didn't even hear that the doorbell had been ringing until Ablah barged in shouting Bhabhi!! at the top of her voice. I stood up at once and quickly wiped the tears that had to drop from my eyes that instant and Ablah did not miss seeing those tears. "Bhabhi" she called softly. "Are you crying?" She asked and I shook my head. "You know you can't lie to me. I saw those tears already" she said and I just smiled. "Don't cry bhabhi, I've come here to spend the night with you" she announced and my eyes widened. "Really" I asked and she nodded. "Yes, Aadil has asked me to come here and spend the night with you" she added and I was surprised. "Aadil really did?" I asked not believing my ears and Ablah nodded. "He told me that this was your first time staying at home alone so he begged me to come over" Ablah said again and I was just so happy. "So my husband really cares for me this much" I thought and pulled Ablah into an embrace and she started laughing. "See this bhabhi that is crying because her husband only left home for a night and not for a lifetime ooo" Ablah said taunting me as we both sat on the sofa and I smiled throwing a pillow at her. "Naughty girl" I said laughing and she threw me a pillow back. We played and joked a lot and I must say that this Ablah was really a playful girl. "You play a lot. Come on, it's getting late and we haven't cooked for the night yet" I announced and she dropped. "Cook?" She asked. "Yes" I replied and her eyes widened. "Does Aadil allow you to cook? And what will the cook do if you do her job?" She asked with raised eyebrows and I smiled. "Ablah I know that it will sound strange to you but let me ask you this. Aren't I a wife?" I said and she nodded. "Good. A responsible wife should be able to take good care of her home without the help of maids. I wish to fufill my duties as a wife and that's why I have sent the cook and maids on leave and believe me Aadil is always impressed at the way I manage my home" I said and Ablah sighed. "Uhh, that's really nice of you bhabhi but ummiy will be mad if she finds out" Ablah said in a tone of worry. "Don't worry we won't allow her to find out and... you'll have to inform me anytime she'd come over to visit us" I said and Ablah agreed.
We proceeded to the kitchen and I must say that Ablah was a good cook. "Shall I make Balti?" She asked and I raised my eyebrows at that. "Oh come on bhabhi, you have to learn to add Pakistani dishes to every food you cook" she said and I smiled. "I know Ablah, just that I'm just hearing that dish for the first time" I replied and she gave me a "really!" look. As if she knew I was joking. I actually know the dish but I don't like making it. In no time we were through with cooking and we both are to our fill. Following that, observed both night prayers and we settled for the night to sleep. "Aadil made my day by sending Ablah to me. He really loves his wife" I thought and drifted off to sleep.

Salamualaykum mighty readers. Update! Update! Update! So Chapter nine! This is a short one and less of drama but I just felt the need to update. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to appreciate it by voting and commenting. It means the world a lot to me. Thank you and love y'all. Have a nice time.


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