Chapter Twelve

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Aadil's POV.
I woke up to the cramping pains coming from my head, hand, my legs and infact my whole body.

One of my hands was fastened with a drip and I looked up to see the line set.

My other hand seemed to be letting out a very severe pain and I was shocked on seeing that some plaster of Paris had been wrapped around it.

My head was plastered as well and my dress had been changed.

I looked to my right side and found the doctor preparing an injection.

Me: Doctor Rohan?
Dr Rohan: Thank goodness Dr. Imran you're finally awake.
Me: Did I actually pass out?
Dr. Rohan: Yes you were unconscious since the time, Pharm. Arham brought you here. You were so badly injured, how did it happen?
Me: Don't mind my carelessness, it was just a home accident. I fell down the stairs.

"But still you were severely injured and so I'll consider it a major accident" Doctor Rohan said as he gave me the injection, via IV (intravenous).

"This will soon make me fall asleep" I recognized the drug immediately.

"Yes but after sometime, Pharm. Arham is waiting to see you" Doctor Rohan concluded the injection and exited the room.

Soon Arham came in with a very worried look on his face.
"What's your problem Aadil?, how did you end up in this state?" Arham asked, with worry filled in his eyes.

"I fell down the stairs Arham, I didn't do it on purpose. Why are you asking what my problem is?" I replied as he sat beside me on the bed.

"A whole doctor, down in the hospital. That's ridiculous" he said jocularly.
"I didn't fall sick Arham, it was just an accident" i rolled my eyes.

"How did you end up falling down the stairs? I'm sure that your wife must have a hand in it. You've never fallen down the stairs before she came into your life?" Arham was serious with the question.

"You're right Arham but she didn't do it intentionally" I sided with Farha.
"There we go, with you both still at loggerheads. You better use this opportunity to teach her a lesson. I'm sure she'll change her ways" Arham was serious.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked curious and he whispered something into my ears.
"How am I even going to do that to my wife?" I asked shocked.
"It's easy, just put up an act, and leave the rest to me, Suaad will be of great help. She's your PA and she's a nurse. Everything will be clear and cool and Farha will learn her lesson" He said and I made a sense out of his words.

"You're right Arham, this is the right time to get the love out of her heart.... But don't you think she'll be hurt?" I was worried for Farha again.

"Come on Aadil, aren't you in pain too right now? You're only going to do this to help her. She'll have to go through some pain too, to realize her love for you. Remember an opportunity lost can never be regained" Arham concluded and finally I gave in to the plan.
"Alright Arham, I'm ready to do this" I mumbled out the words as I was already feeling sleepy.

"Good for you Aadil. Go to sleep now I can see you're already sleepy. I'll inform Suaad" Arham replied and left me for outside the room and soon I drifted off to sleep.

After sometime that didn't seem too much like hours, I felt some movement around me and I slowly opened my eyes to see the nurse adjusting my drip.

The nurse soon left after asking me some few questions which I gave my reply to.

Shortly before the door was shut behind the nurse, Farha rushed in or should I say, she barged in and pulled herself over me in a bone crushing hug.

I winced in pain at once and that was when she realised that she was actually hurting me.
She was saying some things in a mix up that I could hardly decipher what she was saying until she finally released me from her grip.

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