(Chapter four) Annoying explanations

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I groaned in pain as I woke up, my neck felt broken and the bones felt misplaced.

You've got to be kidding me. He killed me. That pathetic little psychopath killed me. Embarrassing.

I got up and cracked my neck back into place and a familiar voice caught my attention.

"How do you feel?" Kai asked enthusiastically, there is something seriously wrong with him.

"Like you killed me" I snapped back, waiting for some silly reply.

"Well you're standing right here, and you look very much alive so I don't ge-" "just shut up Kai" I cut him off before getting up.

But he was quick to react and walked over to me and stood in my way, blocking it. "Move out of my way" I spoke with frustration.

He didn't move of course, instead he just stood there about to say something till I pushed him out of the way with my vamp strength. Although it didn't take him long to get back up.

"Listen Nia, you don't wanna get on my bad side, because when I'm mad, oh you- you do not wanna see that." He chuckled, in a threatening way, or so he thought.

He gestured me to sit back down, but why the heck would i listen to him? "Okay, okay we're gonna have to do this the hard way."

He reached for a kitchen knife from the counter. He then pinned me to the wall holding my arm against it before forwarding the knife towards my throat.

"You think I'm joking around? You think I'm joking around. That's hilarious" He laughed, but it looked like a laugh that came from anger.

"I wanna get out of here, and the only way I can do that is if you cooperate with me, so how about it pretty? Hm?"

He whispered close to my face, so close I could feel his breath next to my lips.

I quickly rotated us with my vamp sped, meaning I'm now the one pinning him.

"Listen here you little lunatic, I'm not scared of you, so you can stop with the threats" I whispered back

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"Listen here you little lunatic, I'm not scared of you, so you can stop with the threats" I whispered back.

"And how exactly am I supposed to be you key out of here? Talk." I let him go waiting for him to explain.

"Well.." He fixed his shirt "To get out of here I need magic, you see I'm a siphon witch, which means, wait hold on, "witch and which" ah that's hilarious"

He got distracted and laughed at his own joke. This was going to be a long day.

"Just stop yammering and keep going Kai" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah so anyways, it means I only have magic when I take it from someone else, that's what I do when I grab you, and you yell, I siphon you." He smiled, widely.

"So you're saying you need to suck magic out of me to get us out of here?" I replied curiously, but with attitude.

"Yeah basically, but I can make it not hurt as much, and I only need a bit, just enough to do a locator spell, to find the ascendant, our key out of here." He replied, and explained more clearly.

I can't believe I was gonna go with the plan, but I'm not gonna be stuck here forever, and there's no way that I'm leaving Damon and Bonnie behind. I'll find them.

"Okay, whatever, just do it now" I demanded while he grabbed a map and put it on the counter. "Ready?" He asked before reaching his hand to my arm.

"Yeah go" I sighed and took a deep breath. And there it was again, the feeling I get when he does that.

I groaned from the pain, even though he said he can make it less painful, it still felt like all the pain was there.

"Hold on I'm almost there, just a little bit more" He assured me. Right before I was about to fall he caught me by waist "I got you, I got you."

He sat me on the couch near the kitchen. "You okay?" He asked, Which was odd because I didn't know he cared if he hurt me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, are you done?" I wondered while holding my head.

While walking to the kitchen Kai replied "Just need to do the spell." He brought me a bottle of cold water to drink, which was.. thoughtful of him.


"It's pointing Mystic Falls direction, the ascendant must be here." I suggested and Kai just looked back at the map. "It's almost like it's here, in this very house" He smirked.

I've always had such strong senses, I could feel it so close, almost like kai was the one that had it on him.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Focusing on my senses telling me where it is.

My head was showing me directions next to me. Kai was next to me.

"Yeah Kai" I tilted by head in sarcasm "it is almost like it's right here." I reached my hand to his jacket and pressed lightly, I felt a round object with a lot of what felt like bits and pieces.

He gasped sarcastically. "Very good! I'm impressed, really." Did he really know it was here the whole time. With HIM?

He reached in his pocket and pulled out the ascendant. "Are you kidding me, I went through all that when you're the one that's had the ascendant this whole time."

"Oh come on it was fun, And plus, I wanted to feel your hand on my chest." He looked up from the ascendant and winked.

"cute" I rolled my eyes sarcastically waiting for him to explain what we're supposed to do with the ascendant.

"So now that we have this, we'll harness the power of the eclipse, not tonight's one, but the upcoming one in the next few days, and we'll be out of here."

He smiled with relief after explaining. I was going to tell him I need to find Damon and Bonnie first, but he interrupted me again, what is with him doing that. Ugh.

"There's just one more thing we need before we go" Kai added on, sighing before smiling again.

"And that is?" I curiously asked him, I didn't like the look on his face. Something was telling me it wasn't going to be good.

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