(Chapter five) Company

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"Well I'm waiting" I clicked my fingers in his face, seeing as he zoned out. "What's that one more thing you need?" I laughed at his expression.

But when he replied the smile quickly faded off my face. "Bennett blood, we need Bennett blood." he knew I knew who he was talking about.

"Listen it's not like I'm gonna kill her, I just need her blood and boom, just like that we can all leave and go back to the real world." He tilted his head smiling.

I had to ask him if he knew were Damon and Bonnie are, if he knows he can get Bennett blood in here then he knows they're here too.

"We'll do you know where a Bennett is?" I asked waiting for an answer, he smiled "Oh you're in for a surprise, let's go." He walked towards the door.

What's that supposed to mean.

"We're heading to the supermarket, before you ask." He told me where we're going, but why the supermarket.

"Why are we walking? Couldn't we take the car?" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I wanted us to have a conversation on the way, and the weathers lovely."

Conversation, really? "Uhm okay whatever" I just went along with it. I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to know more about him and why he's done what he's done.

As we were walking, he tripped and scraped his hand on the corner of a rock, causing it to bleed. Of course.

I have control over my blood lust but I don't know what happened in that one second.

"Ouch, stupid rock" He looked at his hand then at me, smirking at the look on my face.

Which was sort of me taking a deep breath trying to make the veins under my eyes disappear at the site of his blood.

"Aw what's wrong, want a taste" he pouted, then chuckled. "Don't tempt me" I raised my eyebrows and quickly pulled myself together. "You know you want to."

He tried tempting me and I wasn't gonna give him the satisfaction. I squinted my eyes at him and did a sarcastic smile "Hmm, how about we just keep walking?"

Kai wasn't the worst company, but he didn't need to know that. He's funny and he kind of just, makes everything funny. Great.

"After you" He smiled and held the door open for me and I walked in the quiet and empty shop.

"Shh come with me and don't make a sound" He whispered, and I still had no clue what was happening.

We walked over to the outdoor furniture section of the store and on our way there he picked up some pork rinds from the shelf. So much for being quiet.

"Kai this is ridicu-" I was about to finish my sentence until I saw Damon walk over to Kai, looking confused. I couldn't believe it.

"Damon." I quickly sped walked to him and hugged him, he hugged me back tightly, stroking my hair.

"We've been looking everywhere for you, where on earth did you disappear off to?" Damon asked with a confused look.

"Damon, I'm not sure this place is even on earth" We both laughed, it was so good to see him again.

"Hey guys, I don't mean to ruin the reunion but, we have to talk about something" Kai sighed, smiling at the same time.

Damon looked at him and back at me, "Nia what are you doing with this weasel?" I couldn't help but laugh. Weasel.

"Damon why don't you have a drink, it usually helps you calm down" Kai pointed towards the Bourbon on the shelves. Surprisingly Damon nodded and grabbed one.

But when Damon drank the Bourbon he spat it out and dropped the bottle on the floor, falling with it. I felt a bit of the drink spill on me as it reached the ground.

I knew immediately what was going on. "What the hell kai?! What do you think you're doing?" I snapped.

He grabbed a wooden umbrella and snapped it in half, about to dig it into Damon's hand, but I stopped him and at the same time Bonnie walked in the store.

"Bonnie." I smiled, she smiled back, and I knew she was about to help.

"Oh Bonnie, showed up with no magic, I'm embarrassed for you, what exactly are you gonna do?" Kai smirked. Annoyingly.

Bonnie stopped for a second, staring at a candle, and lighting it up just with a look. "Uh oh" Kai's smile dropped and Bonnie signalled for Damon to run.

Soon enough Kai was knocked out on the floor, "Let's take him back to my house and question the weasel" Damon made a face while poking Kai's unconscious shoulder.


Kai began to wake up, lifting his head up and cracking his jaw muscles, "you're up" Damon walked over to him with one of those fire place iron poker thingys.

"Oh come on Nia, a little bit of help would be great." Kai gestures to the chair that had his hand tied to them.

He was stupid if he thought I was gonna help him after he tried to kill one of my best friends.

Damon and Bonnie looked at each other confused "you two know each other?" Bonnie asked me, but of course Kai had to be the one that replied.

"Oh yeah, more than know, we've had a lot fun these couple of weeks, didn't we Nini?" Kai winked, I knew exactly what he was trying to do.

"No, absolutely not what you're thinking guys." I cleared up before.. things got awkward.

"Listen, I wasn't going to kill Damon, I mean we're on the same team, and you Bonnie, you're the key to getting us all out of here."

Damon and Bonnie and I exchanged confused looks, before walking out of the room, I wasn't gonna leave just yet.

"Come on Nia, let's go, we'll find out more tomorrow" Damon rubbed my shoulder. "I'll be out in a second" I smiled at him and he nodded, exiting.

Kai had fallen asleep on the chair, still tied up, he looked so harmless and peaceful sleeping.

I got a blanket and put it over him I don't know why, but I did.

Redemption - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now