In the large bustling city of Mantle, the capital city of the Atlas kingdom, a young man is walking through its dark streets, the darkness of the night sky contrasted by the light of the street lamps. He walks with a bottle of rum in his hands, dressed in a bright grey jacket and a set of brown pants. On his back, he wears a torn red cape, as well as a large sword. As he walks down the dimly lit streets, he goes to take another swig of his rum, but as he goes to drink, a hand quickly swipes it from his grasp. Looking to his, right he sees a woman in dark red and black clothing, on her hip a sheath holding a katana, her hair is the same color as the man's, dark black going all the way down to her back.
Raven: "*tch* I'm now beginning to see why Tai asked me to come with you. If it weren't for the fact that you are my brother, I would've stayed home so I could help him with Yang."
Qrow: "~Come on Rave' give it back. Besides, I didn't need you to come with me, and I can take care of myself~" His voice was slurred, and his breath stunk of alcohol. "~*hic* Quit being such a party pooper, it is my birthday, and I should be able to drink *hic* what I please." He reaches out to grab the bottle, but Raven doesn't loosen her vice-like grip of the bottle.
Raven: "What you need to do is throw away this disgusting sickness, brother." Tossing the bottle down an alleyway, satisfied as she hears the shattering of the glass bottle. "Now come on, I grow tired of dealing with you. I'm taking you somewhere to sleep and hopefully somewhere with no alcohol." Qrow groaning in defeat as he follows his sister.
Suddenly the two stop as they begin to hear the crying of a baby coming from the alley Raven had tossed the bottle down.
Raven: "Is that a child?" Puzzled as she places a hand on the handle of her blade.
Qrow: "~Oh good! You're hearing it too. I thought it was the alcohol.~"
Raven: "*sigh* Stay here. If it is a child, I'd prefer you not give it alcohol poisoning with your breath." Qrow shrugs as he leans against the wall in front of the alley.
Raven begins to slowly make her way down the alley, following the cries of the supposed child. Getting closer to a dumpster, the crying grew louder. Throwing the trash lid open, she was genuinely surprised to see a small child in a dirty white hospital wrap lying in the dumpster. She lets go of her blade handle as she reaches in to take hold of the child, pulling it out of the dumpster. As she pulled it out, she got a closer look at the baby. It had deep crimson eyes much like her own and snow-white hair, much like a Schnee. She felt a tinge of sadness and pity for the child. Yet, she couldn't help but hold the child as a mother herself, much like she had her daughter, Yang. Walking out of the alley, Qrow sluggishly gets up, surprised as well to see that it was an actual baby.
Qrow: "~Well..shit. It looks like it was a what now?~"
Raven: "I..don't know. If we take it to an orphanage, he might be mistaken as a Schnee and either held as ransom or worse. Who could leave their child out in this frigid weather, all alone like this?"
Qrow: "~Well, maybe I could take him? I mean, we did have that class back at Beacon about raising a kid. You know, with those creepy-looking dolls. It is a boy, right?~"
Raven: "And if I remember correctly, you threw your doll out a window because you thought it was possessed. There is no way I am letting you even attempt to raise this child. And yes, this child is a boy."
Qrow: "~Ok, so you take it to live with you Tai, and the both of you raise him with Yang. Simple plan.~"
Raven: "No, brother. Not simple. Suppose I show up with a child with the same color of eyes as mine after being gone for three days. Tai may think of foul play, he may treat the child harshly despite my and your explanation. I can't let that happen. I'll take him back to the camp, and he can grow up there."
Child of Omens: Ruination
FanficThe story of the Child of Omens, Falke Branwen, is a story of aspiration, freedom, purpose, and love. But what if he had a different beginning? What if the child, destined to bring either salvation or ruination to the world of Remnant, began differe...