Jasper x reader

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Requested by @FunTymeFoxii

[Y/n's POV]
Out of all people that works for the all mighty and powerful Malak, he has me..clean the statues. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun job but I didn't really want to do it in the first place. The statues are very lovely and nice once you get to meet them..plus I'm not alive or a mortal as they like to all them, nor am I working for Bierce. I'll get into how I'm here later.

I made my way to the statues and created them all as the ones that needed cleaning just needed to be polished, all except for one. "Jasper is it? C'mere let me get you cleaned off!" He slowly walked over to his respective spot to be cleaned. He seemed a bit shy..but cocky at the same time.

"S-so, what's a doll like you doing here, washing and polishing statues?" He said with a flirtatious look. "First, get rid of the look and stop moving. Second all I did was get in a fight and break a few important bones.." "HOW DID YOU DO THAT? Is that why you're dead? What did you break?" "I broke her ribs, skull.., and legs.. but I had good reason."

[3rd POV]
Jasper stood shocked as he was being cleaned and shook his head. "I don't think I wanna know Y/n..." "That's a good decision of yours." The room went silent again for s while. Soon the two started chatting over for a long time, slowly falling for each other. They spend hours talking while Y/n polishes him down.

The other statues noticed Jasper staying dirty longer so he could spend d more time with Y/n and they teased him for it. Of course he couldn't keep his feelings a secret for long, so he decided to tell her the next time she came to polish them down. To say the least, he couldn't even speak correctly. Y/n was his pride and joy and he was her's. Today was the day he would confess.

Y/n walked into the mansion to as the others were being pretty suspicious but Y/n didn't mind. She walked in the cleaning room, only to be met with battle axes spelled out to say  'Go out with me! ....please?' (This must me Jasper..) she thought with a smile on her face. "Yes Jasper, I'll go out with you!"

Jasper tacked her after falling from the closet and snuggled her tightly. "YAY I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND NOW!" The two laughed and ended up being the most wholesome couple out of all the statues.



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