Part 8

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Review the rules for me, Mr. Hiddleston.

Conversation can only contain song titles. Repetition is not allowed. Articles or one word additions are allowed. The conversation should follow a natural flow.

Let the record show I am outright laughing at you for how seriously you're taking this.

This is serious business, Ms. L/N! The winner gets to choose our next movie watching experience. That's a coveted decision. So you know, I already have my choice lined up.

I have a list of movies I want nothing more than to experience with you. I want to know your thoughts, your opinions. I want to spend the next week laughing with you as you throw movie quotes into our conversations...

Fancy that, I have my choice decided too.

Oh no...

Oh yes...

It's going to be one of mine, isn't it?

Ding ding.

That's entirely unfair. I was going to choose a romantic comedy for us. You've Got Mail. Something you would enjoy as well.

Something that didn't involve my stomach in knots the entirety of the film.

I'll enjoy watching you dance with a bunch of—were they flight attendants?


...High Rise? Watching it together?

Better come prepared, Hiddleston.


Hit me with your best shot...

(You drive me) Crazy...

In all the best ways...

Girls just want to have fun...

Everybody have fun tonight...

You laughed down at your phone at the thought of Tom actually being familiar with some of these songs. Before you began speaking to him on a regular basis, you assumed he sat in leather chairs, pipe in hand, listening to Debussy as he contemplated the mysteries of life. Closer to the truth was that he listened to everything. Absolutely everything, especially if you suggested it. Now, whether he loved it or not was a toss-up, but he was always willing to experience new things.

Cracking your knuckles, you knew you had to get serious about this game or else you wouldn't get to enjoy the utter embarrassment Tom would feel if you two watched any movie of his "together".

Take me home tonight...

That should rattle him just a bit...

I'll be there...

It'll take more than that to scare me away, love.

I don't want to wait...
Two can play this game.

I don't want to miss a thing...

I miss you...

That's when a silence settled over you both. It was a game. That was established. These song titles were merely ways to carry the conversation and see who could last the longest. This wasn't supposed to be realistic in either way. However, it was becoming overwhelmingly obvious that there were double meanings left, right, and center.

Miss you all the time...

Time after time...

I've had the time of my life...

If I could turn back time...

I wouldn't be so afraid of absolutely everything involving you...

If you leave...

I wouldn't survive.

Don't you (forget about me)...

Of course you'll forget me though.

Don't leave me this way...

Don't leave me at all.

Leave before you love me...

Did I say love?
Did she say love?

(I can't help) falling in love with you...

It's part of the game. That's all. She'll deflect and we move on.

What is love?

What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing?

Love is an open door...

Love is a battlefield...

Love me now...

She'll give up. She can't keep going even when it is song titles.

Will you still love me tomorrow?

I'm not giving up, Hiddleston. Bring it on.

However, before another message could be sent, your phone begins to buzz, alerting you to a phone call from none other than twhiddleston. Thankfully you are messaging from the comfort of your apartment and no one can hear the literal scream you let out as you jump up from the sofa. You had never spoken to Tom on the phone. Not ever. He had heard your voice in videos and you had heard his—but a phone call? Never. You preferred it that way. At least without starting up phone calls (or the dreaded video calls) you might make it out of this "relationship" without being completely destroyed when he inevitably forgot about you.

When the call ended, you immediately messaged him as the absolute worst possibilities ran through your head.

What the hell was that? You've never called me before! We haven't even discussed it! Is there an emergency? Do I need to contact Luke? I don't have his number. I don't even have your number. I should have numbers for emergency situations. Is Bobby okay? Oh my God, is Bobby okay? Oh my God...Are you okay?!

The longest pause of all time occurred before his swift reply, no type type type stop type type type.

I just called to say I love you...

The realization settled in as your heart managed to calm down. You stared at the song title of one of your favorite Stevie Wonder classics. He called so he would win the game...

I believe I just won, darling.

I hate myself for loving you...

You two never spoke of any deeper meaning to the song titles. You both assumed the other used the titles to get a rise, not that there was any truth to what the other said. Watching You've Got Mail together was just as pleasant as when the idea was presented... Did you still make Tom watch High Rise with you? Of fucking course.

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