Part 10

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Favorite film?

Tom had to attempt to get back on track somehow, unless he wanted to risk you going into detail about every movie that featured his naked backside. He didn't think he could quite handle that level of embarrassment. It was one of the few times he was thankful that you two couldn't actually see each other. When he was met with an actual answer, relief washed over him.

North by Northwest. Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint. There's this moment when the two are on a train. Cary is hiding from the police–or was it some of James Mason's men? I can't remember.
But he hops on the train and sits down with Eva Marie Saint. It's—I can't—It's a perfect scene from start to finish.
Here. I can't put this into words.

Sent a video.

As soon as the link was sent, Tom clicked to watch the scene. To be honest, he had never seen the film before. He knew you well enough that if the scene required some sort of backstory, you would have provided it. Watching the scene take place, he admired the quality of the dialogue. It was the type of scene you wanted to perform. There are bits of dialogue in every script that you merely have to push through to get to something better. This was that 'something better'. The way Grant and Saint's eyes locked onto one another... The mannerisms...gestures...

I've never wanted to be a blonde more so than after watching that movie. The number of brunettes in classic Hitchcock films is severely lacking. She's so calm and collected. In charge. She's a powerhouse in that scene. Look at her!

Attractive as the actress may have been, Tom was too busy reading your frantic messages as they came in. He could just imagine you swatting at his arm throughout the scene, telling him to watch even if he already was watching... He also was given a morsel of information that he would hold onto. You were brunette. It wasn't a make or break type of characteristic, but he cherished it nonetheless. You gave him a part of you.

But that's when the random realization occurred...

Cary Grant! Cgfan!

I was wondering when you would figure that out. Come on, Cambridge.

The numbers? Birthday? August 20th?

Ding ding. A Leo. Apparently that makes me charismatic and in need of constant attention. Who would have thought?

I'll have to start planning.

I want a pony or nothing.

You're afraid of horses, darling.

It was a joke, Tom dear.

You grinned down at your phone and the use of the endearment. They weren't often given out, mostly because you felt foolish for doing so. It was as if you thought this was something more than what it really was... Tom was a famous actor. He lived in London. Even if he wasn't surrounded by striking individuals all day, in what world would this ever turn into a relationship? Calling him a pet name could only hurt in the end.

But one evening, you found yourself half asleep (it was early morning for him, but the middle of the night for you) and you called him Tom, dear. He even felt bold enough to comment on the little pet name. Asking if you were actually sleep talking. You told him that it reminded you of Lady and the Tramp, when the owners refer to each other as "Jim, dear" and "Darling". That's who they were to one another. He called you 'darling' more often than anything else, so on occasion, when you were feeling confident enough— he was Tom, dear.

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