Part 19

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It was finally here. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, the day you two would meet had finally arrived. It didn't matter that you two had spent countless hours in deep discussion, or even heated debates over every topic imaginable. It didn't matter that you had fallen asleep to Tom's voice reciting sonnet after sonnet. Nor did it matter that Tom had watched the little video snippets you had sent him throughout his day more times than he cared to admit. None of it could possibly compare to standing side by side with the person you loved.

That didn't mean this all came without its fair share of nerves. It didn't help matters for Tom when his originally scheduled flight was delayed. The plan had been to fly in on Thursday night and meet first thing in the morning before the chaos of the day took over. Now, it seemed that he would be landing and going directly to the first panel of the convention. There wouldn't be a chance to see you before the hordes of guests filled the ballroom

As Tom entered the car, seeking refuge from the few photographers that managed to spot him, he immediately pulled out his phone to text you. Even seeing your name in his contacts was enough to bring a smile to his face.


Months of speaking back and forth, wondering if he was crazy to feel so connected to an absolute stranger, who never actually felt like a stranger from the moment you two first began speaking, all of it came down to today. Would he be too much for you? Would the crowds and the obligations of his career be more than you were willing to sign on for? Tom wouldn't blame you if after today you chose to no longer engage in this—was it a relationship? Could it be deemed that this was more than the growing infatuation of two strangers?

Would he not be enough? Had you built this image in your head of a man who was constantly put together, knowledgeable, charismatic? In reality, he thought himself to be no different than anyone else you could encounter. His navy blue dress shirt that he donned had a coffee stain at the bottom, which was why he paid careful attention to keeping it tucked in just right. His contacts continued to bother him so he kept rubbing at his eye. He hadn't had but two hours of sleep in the past 24 hours. Would all of his humanity be insufficient in your eyes?

He wished these pangs of inadequacy would choose any other time to plague him, not as he was only thirty minutes away from you. Texting had been his initial idea, but hearing your voice had a way of calming him far behind a simple text. As the ringing took place on the line, he allowed his eyes to wander out the window at the trees as he passed by.

"Well, hello there!" you greeted, immediately bringing a smile to Tom's face. He could hear your excitement. "One second..." a gentle command, the pause allowing Tom to hear the commotion all around you.

"Is that the boyfriend?" another woman called out from the background. Your laughter was Tom's clue that the question was directed at the phone conversation. "Is that him?!" it came again.

"Darling, is that person talking to you?" he questioned with a chuckle, relaxing into the seat for the first time in the past ten hours.

"Boyfriend! Your girl can't stop talking about you!" the voice called out, even though there seemed to be some distance there now. The shush that came next was a very distinctive 'you' move. He'd been on the receiving end more than once before.

"You make friends when you've been sitting in line together," you eventually answered, paying particular mind not to comment on the stranger's use of the word—

"Boyfriend, hm?" quirking his brow despite being alone in the backseat, his amusement written all over his face.


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