Part 9

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Weeks had passed and your conversations with Tom had not let up. If anything, they have become a staple in your day to day activities. You two were now making plans around your conversations, especially those conversations you had over the weekends. Those were the days where you could alter your sleep schedule to accommodate the other's schedule. Now that school was almost out for you, your body craved physical rest more and more.

When you suggested a 'lounge day' to Tom, he was more than happy to grant your request. He had been in meeting after meeting the past couple of weeks. Although you two spoke every work day, the weekend was your shared time to unwind.

It didn't help that Tom was holding something back from you... He had claimed that these unrelenting meetings were about a new project. You didn't pry into what the project might be, not until it was a sure thing for the actor. You never wanted to "jinx" it for him (despite the numerous times he told you that you could do no such thing.) In truth, this wasn't a new project he was meeting about. It was actually for Season 2 of Loki. Tom adored the series and knew it was a favorite of yours as well.

However, the filming schedule was being discussed recently. It would occur in the same location season 1 had been filmed. Atlanta, Georgia. A mere forty minute drive from where you lived... When it was first brought up, Tom was ecstatic. He played it off as though the excitement was just for the new season, not because he would have been able to see you every single day if he should choose to...

When the reality of the situation sank in later that night, just before he was planning to tell you his news, he stared at the glow of his phone. The Instagram app mocking him. It had been nearly two months since you first started speaking, and yet, you still hadn't shown him your face, or exchanged phone numbers, or—or given any indication that you felt for him the way he felt for you (even though you had given signs, he was just as uncertain about your feelings as you were of his).

Why did he ever think that you would be excited about him being so close to you?

So, Tom kept it to himself. There was no harm in feeling out the situation and making you as comfortable as possible in his virtual presence. Besides, being your friend was a hell of a lot better than not having you in his life, period.

That's why he was perfectly content to spend his Saturday evening, sprawled out on his sofa, with Bobby curled between his legs. Adjusting his glasses, he angled up the phone to snap a picture of the pup, sending it to you immediately.

As you received the picture, you couldn't help but grin at the image. He was all sweatpants covered legs, taking up at least two thirds of the sofa. Pictures like these made you remember that he was just a normal guy. Did that stop you from admiring his long legs or picturing yourself nestled between them? Nope.Bobby blended in with the material of the furniture piece, but seemed completely unfazed by the legs surrounding him. It was clear Bobby was the master of the Hiddleston household.

It was only the afternoon for you, but that didn't stop you from setting up on the sofa just as Tom had. Instead of a pup sharing your couch, you had three different blankets. It didn't matter that it was nearing summer, you kept the air conditioning cranked low to the point that you actually woke up at night shivering. The blankets gave you an extra layer of confidence, as you snapped a picture. Your palm opened wide and faced the ceiling as the camera caught the blankets, your hand, and just the tip of your painted toe nails.

Where in the world could Y/N be?

Tom was accustomed to this sort of practice. You didn't mind sending him pictures. Your coffee in the morning. A student's writing. The doodles you drew when you were in a faculty meeting. Your failed attempts at cooking. You showed glimpses into your life nearly every day—but to see you? No.

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