(3) Feeling Different

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Luz's POV

It's been four days since I've begun doing my job to protect Amity. Everyone knew that I was her protector. Whenever Amity wanted to look through the markets or go around town, I would be there by her side. Those days were quite eventful and relaxing. Amity has been warming up to me and letting loose. I am happy to make a new friend. Well, I'm not sure if Amity and I are friends, but that is up to the princess to decide whether or not we're friends.

It's been great to hang out with Amity and all, but there is one thing that I'm alerted about. Eda hasn't come home yet. I remembered her telling us that if she's not back in two days, then Belo's army must be there fighting our own army. I'm not too worried about it because I know my mother is strong. It's hard for anyone to take her down easily. We've been keeping in touch with letters my family and I have written for her. She has been sending her own to us.

Today is the fourth day she has been gone. She didn't send any letters to us today. I hope that she will come home soon to tell her my experience with the Blight family. Other than that, I would like to practice fighting with Eda. I want to know if she learned any moves while going against our enemies, so she can teach them to me. I also would like to know how the battle with Belo's army went. I'll need to wait patiently until my mom arrives.

"Luz?" I fell out of my mind to see Amity's concerned look.


"I asked if you wanted to leave here and go to the garden."

"If you want, we can go."

"Are we seriously doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"I'm asking you if you want to go. Not the other way around."

"Oh sorry. Um, yeah we can go," I rubbed my neck.

"You are zoning out from what I can tell. Is this place not your cup of tea?"

"It's not that princess. I'm just wondering if Eda is coming home soon," I muttered while staring off.

"I'm sure she will. Eda is the best fighter out here, so there's nothing that can stop her."

"Hell yeah. I'm a bit worried, that's all."

"I understand and it's okay to be worried. We all have emotions," Amity stared down at her lap.

"Thanks for reassuring me, Amity. Looks like you have a heart."

"Don't remind me, Noceda."

"Heh, sorry princess."

"It's whatever. Anyways, let's do what you want. Just to relax yourself and clear your mind," Amity got off the bench that we were sitting on.

"Well I haven't been to the garden at the castle, so we can go there."

"Sounds fine to me."

Amity and I walked side by side back to the castle. It is true that I haven't been to their garden before. I'm not sure how big it is or what type of flowers there are. The garden is at the castle, so it must be well taken care of. I know for a fact that it'll soothe my nerves. That way I'll be able to focus and concentrate on Amity.


"And here we are," the door was already opened, showing the entire garden in front of us.

"Wow! They're beautiful. Who takes care of them?"

"Our gardeners and my mother."

"Queen Odalia takes care of them as well?!" I was taken back.

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