(7) Love Struck

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9:00 am

Luz's POV

It's been a couple of days since Amity and I went to Bonesborough. Gus was already working as a cook for the Blight family and he's been trained by one of Alador's professional sword fighters to become a chevalier. It's been a great start for him. As for Amity, she has been quiet around me. I don't know why but she's been zoning out most of the time. I've been asking her if everything was alright and all she could tell me was that everything is perfectly fine.

That's when I decided to let her be. I didn't ask any questions nor did I communicate with Amity as much unless she needed something from me. I couldn't help but think that maybe I have done something to make her act this way. The day we arrived at the castle, Amity did seem upset.

Wait. Now that I think about it, she must be sad that we're home instead of traveling somewhere else. It all makes sense now. I can cheer up Amity by telling her that we can go to another city. That's something I can do. I'm such a genius.

I was already inside the palace and walking my way down in the dining room. The Blights were finishing up their breakfast. Amity wasn't there with them.

"Good morning everyone!" I addressed the royals.

"Mornin' Luz!" The twins saluted at me.

"Good morning Luz! Would you like to have breakfast?" Alador was providing me something to eat.

"No thank you. I had a big breakfast from my sister and mother. Thanks for the offer. Is Amity here?"

"Yes she is. Amity was the first to finish eating before dismissing herself. I'm sure she's in her room. Do you have any idea what's going on with her? Odalia and I tried talking to her, but Amity acts like she is fine and that there's nothing wrong. Obviously we don't believe her."

"I do have an idea of what might be wrong with her, but I'm not too sure if I am correct."

"You can try talking to Amity and figure out why she's been feeling down."

"I will go ahead and talk to her. I'll be right back," I walked away and headed to Amity's room. This time I wasn't so sure if she really was upset over the fact that we're back to the Boiling Isles. I don't think that Amity would be that upset about it. There must be something else going on that she's good at hiding.

I made it to the front of Amity's bedroom. I knocked to see if she would respond to it.

"Who is it?"

"It's Luz. May I come in?"

"I guess you can come in." Her response to my question threw me off. I opened the door to see Amity laying on her side of the bed. Her back was facing me as she was underneath her blanket. I closed the door and strolled over to see the princess. She took a quick glance at me before looking away. I crouched down in front of Amity and laid a hand on her shoulder.

"What's wrong Amity? Are you not feeling well because your family and I are worried about you."

"How many times do I have to tell you Luz? I'm alright."

"Well you sure don't look like it. You can trust me whenever you spill whatever you're feeling. I promise I won't say anything to anyone."

"It doesn't matter whether or not I tell you. You won't be able to help me with what I'm dealing with."

"Well, how do you know if I can't help you? By now, you should know that I would do anything to make you happy Amity. You're the closest friend I got other than Boscha, Willow, and Gus. I don't want to feel apart from you just because I can't help you solve your problems. I'm here to help."

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