(6) Troubled Thoughts

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10:00 am

Amity's POV

I was already awake by the time it was nine. I was the only one who was up before anybody else. When I was waking up, I looked next to me to see that Luz wasn't there. That's when I freaked out as I thought something had happened to her. Luz did hear me call out her name once and awoke to see what was wrong. She had been sleeping on the couch instead of the bed.

"I'm so sorry that I woke you up. I was scared that you left me here when you weren't in bed," I apologized.

"It's fine Am. I didn't want to lay in bed fearing that you wouldn't want me there," Luz rubbed her eyes.

"Stop being like that Luz. I don't mind at all if you're in my space or sleeping right next to me. We slept in a tent together. I would tell you if I didn't want you to do anything regarding me. All I want is for you to be comfortable whenever we're together. We are friends."

"Right right. It's just that I don't want you to think anything negative about me. I'm afraid of ruining a lovely friendship that I have with you. I don't want to lose you because you were my first friend that I ever had. I want this to be something that will go on forever."

A marriage would work, but there's no way we would actually do it.

"I see where you're coming from. Look Luz, I came off harsh in the beginning if that's what you're afraid of. I'm not like anymore because you changed me into someone better which I'll forever be grateful for. I enjoy spending time with you and I don't care if we even sit in the same chair or sleep in the same bed. Let loose and always be yourself," I said truthfully.

"I will. Thanks princess," Luz gave me a tired smile.

"Now come on you big goof. Go back to sleep with me. We need as much rest as we can before we start traveling back to our kingdom," I pulled Luz to the bed where she fell on top of the pillows.

"You're right. This bed feels better than the couch."

"Definitely. If you want, I can give you another pillow since you like to cuddle."

"I'm fine. Cuddling you is better than a pillow," Luz gave me an innocent look that made me want to squeal at how cute she looked. I'm guessing my face was red because she took notice of it.

"Sorry, was that too much?"

"N-Not at all heh. We can cuddle together. I mean I tend to cuddle my pillow as well so since we're both like that, we can cuddle each other."

Okay, that was a total lie. I never cuddled my pillow because I pictured myself as 'little miss perfect' not doing such a thing like that. Now here I am lying just so I could cuddle up with my own damn protector. What a fool I am.

"Sure. It'll help me sleep better I'm sure. I keep tossing and turning over on the couch but I will be getting a much needed rest with you."

Oh my goodness! So I must be the best person to cuddle with Luz. I will forever remember this. I can feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Yes! We can do that," I pulled the covers over us and scooted closer to Luz. I made sure I was comfortable before I stopped moving and stared at Luz. She went ahead and pulled me more to her until I was faced by her chest. Her left arm was underneath my head and the other gently holding on my upper hips. Luz's head laid on top of mine.

I already know I'm the same color as a tomato. I need to stop myself from changing colors like a chameleon or else she'll notice.

12:30 pm

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