Chapter 27

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I have started all my classes so far except Combat training and strategy warfare lessons.

The next day I was set to have my strategy lesson after dinner.

The scholar lives in Yorthendon grounds but not in the palace itself.

Jeremiah walks me through Yorthendon woods , a forest on the castle grounds.

Yes, Yorthendon was so big it fits a small forest.

Jeremiah was holding a lantern to light up the dark path and i tightly wrapped my cloak around my body.

It was freezing.

The forest was made up of spruce trees and bushes , we trot across the snow for minutes in silence until we reach a small hut.

"I assume you will be able to find your way back Miss Melian?"

I nod.

"Well then have a pleasant night"Jeremiah says as he hands a second lantern and turns back towards the castle.

The hut was at the end of the forest but it was quite low down so i could see Yorthendon palace from above the trees.

The white building shone underneath the night sky , torches all around the castle illuminating the silver and blue engravings.

It truly was beautiful , and the hilly nature of the grounds made it appear as if it was floating above the forest.

I turn to the hut , it reminds me of Hagrid's hut from Harry potter.

I knock twice at the wooden door , my hands aching from the cold , as a man immediately opens it.

"Hello" I say.

The man looks at me for a moment.

He was middle aged , with brown hair and a trimmed beard , he was tall and looked exactly like John Krasinski.

"Elide?"He asks warily.

"Yep"I smile as he opens the for me to enter.

I go inside and see the small hut is one room , a living room , bedroom and kitchen all in one.

Everything is made entirely of wood , the fire burning in the fireplace illuminates the room giving it a warm tone.

There was a wooden grandfather clock identical to the one in my own room , a wooden table and two chairs , a bed at the side of the room and a bear carpet.

I cringe as i realise it's a real bear sprawled on the ground , in Medrania everything is real they're not big on manufacturing.

"My name is Gabriel Blake , I am an ex war studies professor at Dolnis University , but i am currently a royal scholar at yorthedon , i had the uh privilege of tutoring the prince and princess in earlier years"

I nod as i take off my cloak and continue looking around , i notice a stone stairway leading downstairs in the corner of the room.

"What'll we be learning today Gabriel?" I ask as i take a seat at the table.

"So i thought i'd start by giving you a brief history of Medrania's military history"He says with a searching look.


"So as you know Medrania won the war of independence in 1950 , Arran Medrania was a wealthy man and the general of the army and he turned the old state - Bramwell - into a Kingdom and named it Medrania"

I nod.

"After the war was won King Arran took a claim to the throne , no one dared challenge him , he was wealthy and powerful and loved by many"

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