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Link stood outside his college house, hesitating to knock. He was new to the school as well as the state, so things happened differently here. First, all species of creatures are allowed to go here and second, they're allowed to live together.

He registered for the school as one of the first people, so Link thought he would be allowed to choose his house and his roommates. He was wrong. Instead, each house never had the same species living in it. Well, unless you were late to sign up and got paired with at least one other species of your kind.
Hylians were most common.

"OK. It's fine. They're technically Hylians but... animals?" Link still hesitated but knocked anyways.

The door soon opened and a very large Zora stood in front of him "Ah!! You must be our roomie Link!!" The Zora yelled happily, smiling widely.

Link gulped, staring at the sharks large and sharp teeth "uh.. y-yeah.." "I'm Sidon! Our other buddy is named Revali but he's more of the quiet, gets-mad-if-you-talk-to-him type"

Sidon moved to the side, motioning for Link to come in. So he did, but kept looking at the tall shark "so is, um, Revali a...?" "Oh. He's a Rito. Pretty cool right?"

Link just awkwardly nodded and kept walking towards the stairs. "You're room is to the right" Sidon kept smiling.

The Hylian looked up at the Zora again "um. Is every Zora your hight?" "Wha-? Oh! Hah!! No, I'm just very tall. I get it from my dad's side of the family" Sidon chuckled, putting his clawed hands onto his hips "my sister, on the other hand, is very very short. Your hight actually!"

"Weird.." Link mumbled as he walked up the stairs. His eyes glanced around, looking up at the very tall ceiling and the wider-than-usual stairs. He turned right and entered the small but tall room and quickly closed the door, then sighing as he pushed his suitcase onto the floor. "It'll be fine. I'm just living with a large... very sharp toothed shark, and an angry bird"

He sighed again then pulled out his phone, touching the Skype icon. Link's phone rang for a minute, then his sister, Zelda, picked up.

×××××(SKYPE VIDEO)×××××
Z: "Yo! Are you at your dorms yet? How is it??"

L: "It's fine I guess. More of a house really"

Z: "Yeah? Well how's your roommates?"

L: "Well... ones a very...VERY tall Zora"

Z: "Damn, alright. Who's the other?"

L: "A Rito I guess. Haven't met him though. Sidon said he's a quiet/angry type though.

Z: "Sid-? Oh!! The Zora. Well I mean good luck I guess"

L: "Thanks. Very helpful advice"

Z: "What?! I've never lived with those types! I mean, I'd assume it's safe if it's a school thing, right?"

L: *groans* "I guess. But how do I even talk to them really? I mean I'm pretty much talking to his DICK BECAUSE HE'S SO FUCKING TALL!!"

Z "Dicks actually"

L: "...What"

Z: "Zoras actually have two dicks. Don't ask how I know"


Z: "I don't know, ask him"

L: "..."

Z: *laughing* "Don't look at me like that! Damn, I was joking"

L: "Whatever sis. I'm going to get my shit sorted though so I'll talk to you later"

Z: "Aight man, have fun"

×××××(VIDEO ENDED)×××××

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