Chapter 2: Live To Sienna Pt.2

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But whether she had been cursed by the Goddess of Fate, those were Sienna’s one-sided feelings. Sienna, a peasant who had grown up in a corner of the North, had only found out after that wedding that Carl had already had a fiancée, and that their marriage had been nothing more than a political maneuver.

Sienna had looked back on it hundreds, thousands of times.

‘If I had known in advance that there was a fiancé named Bluebell beside Carl, would I have refused to marry him if I had known that it was just a political move? And would I have been hated by him for being hostile to Arya?’

Knowing that she could never go back to that time, Sienna would ask herself that over and over, but the answer was always no. Even if she could’ve gone back to that time, Sienna would’ve still chosen to marry him.

‘I may have lacked in effort. If I’d done better… If only I had tried harder than I did to get closer and gain his trust when he tried to distance himself…’ Even if she hadn’t gotten his whole heart and mind, wouldn’t she have been able to get a little piece of that person? Couldn’t she have seen at least a piece of his true smile?

Sienna still hadn’t given up her lingering feelings for Carl.

‘Why am I…’ Wouldn’t she think that she could be loved since she had Carl’s child?

She was troubled by the grief of the crown, thinking about the unfortunate life Joseph would face because of her lingering feelings and obsession. She could hardly bear her cry even though she knew that she had Queen Arya in front of her and that bursting into tears in front of others was an act that would damage the dignity of the Imperial Family.

“Empress Sienna,” Arya sang her name affectionately and moved to her side. Then, she grabbed the tip of Sienna’s chin with her hand and made Sienna look at her. She spoke in a friendly manner, wiping away the tears that covered Sienna’s cheeks with a purple silk handkerchief. “What are tears? I’ve told you before that the person sitting at the seat of the empress doesn’t cry easily. Instead of tears, you have to smile and figure out how to admonish the person who has embarrassed you.”

Even though she seemed to chastise Sienna, who was shedding tears, her voice was very friendly.

Because of this, Sienna could not keep Arya away. The more she relied on her, the more she knew Carl would hate her, but she was the only one who cared about Sienna in that palace where no one cared about her.

Arya smiled softly and said to Sienna, “If you do me a favor, I promise I’ll make Prince Joseph the next emperor.”

Queen Arya gave her a confident smile, but Sienna stared at her blankly. Her words did not sound like an offer to make Joseph emperor, but one to make him Carl’s favorite.

‘You’re going to make Joseph loved by Carl instead of resented by him?’

Arya’s words seemed more absurd than the story of the extinct dragon falling to the ground with the moon. Nevertheless, Sienna just wanted to believe what she had said.

“By what…”

“It’s very simple. Will you listen?”

Sienna nodded, captivated by the words of the queen. She would nod her head even if the devil had asked, let alone Queen Arya. If Joseph couldn’t live the life his title awarded him to live…

“I’m going to prepare a dance for Prince Joseph’s birth banquet. If the Emperor asks about him, please tell her that Empress Sienna called them in person to celebrate the birthday of Prince Joseph. I’m sure it will be a big present for Prince Joseph.”

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