Chapter 22: Live To Sienna Pt.22

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“Take this paper to Jane of The Green Corporation. You have to give it to Jane. If they say she’s not there, tell them you’ll wait until she arrives. You know who Jane is?”

The children knew Jane because Jane would sometimes came to the temple. After Kevin was sent out, only Robin, Sienna, and Carl, who was on the table, remained.

“Then, what should I do?” Robin asked in a shaky voice.

He always acted like an adult, but Robin was no less a child than the others. Fear came into play as they both were witnessing the sight of someone dying in front of their very eyes. Sienna’s hands also started to shake.

If Priest Roy had been there… Sienna shook her head to shake off her thoughts. It was true that he could perform miracles, but it was not without aftereffects. He, who had treated Kelly, was still asleep.

‘Let’s do what I can with my abilities. I’m sure he won’t die. Is it really that easy for a man who is going to become the emperor to die from a situation like that?’

“Let’s settle down, stay calm…”

In the North where Sienna was from, there were occasional injuries from monster invasions. Those injuries were by no means simple. Knights would fall off the walls and break bones, or get their bellies cut through by monsters’ claws.

Although Sienna was the only daughter of the duke, she had also helped the medical staff when they were in a hurry to work. During that time, she had taken on the task of carrying clean, sterilized towels back and forth, but those were also years of watching and listening from the sidelines.

“Would you sterilize these scissors in boiling water? And boil those fabrics over there as well.”

Sienna cut off Carl’s clothes with the scissors Robin handed her. The damp cloth soaked in his blood was not easy to cut through.


Carl opened his eyes slightly. She didn’t even notice he had woken up while cutting his clothes.

“Lady Sienna, the man has opened his eyes.”


Sienna’s and Carl’s eyes met. He looked at her suspiciously and with a pained expression. Sienna avoided his eyes deliberately because she had a hard time facing him. If she were to feel uneasy now, he would not be able to get the necessary treatment.

Carl grabbed Sienna by the wrist as she tried to turn her head away again and again. She felt a great deal of strength on her arm.

“What are you trying to do to me…?”

Carl seemed to think that Sienna was trying to intimidate him, so she said determinedly, “I have to see the wound.”

Even as she said that, Carl held on to her wrist for a while.

“If I were trying to kill you, I wouldn’t have dragged you all the way here. I would have just left you to die there. So, let me go!”

Only then, did Carl release Sienna’s wrist. He had held it so hard that her arm was numb. The place where Carl had held on to had was stained by a bloody handprint.

Sienna finished cutting and removing the clothes off of the wound. Carl groaned painfully as she raised his clothes slightly off the wounded area. The wound seemed to have been attached to the fabric, making the area even more sensitive to pain.

The cut was large enough, but it didn’t look deep. Of course, she wasn’t an expert, so she couldn’t be sure. She wiped the wound with a towel Robin gave her.

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