Chapter 6: Live To Sienna Pt.6

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“If God doesn’t do it, that’s what I’m going to do.”

Eventually, she spread out on the bed, exhausted, and closed her eyes. Her face was wet.

Months had passed since Sienna had been locked in the tower.

Sienna, who used to curse Arya every day, was no longer able to do so and spent every day lying on her bed. All she could do was think about the past or worry about Carl and Joseph.

“By what means would he be able to get in here? Like Arya said, as long as Carl’s army doesn’t have a hole to go through, there won’t be any open doors.”

Suddenly, things turned noisy outside. The clamor did not subside quick enough to dismiss it as just a mere disturbance. The two soldiers guarding Sienna also seemed nervous about the noise outside.

A soldier went down to check on the situation, but even after a long time, the soldier who had gone down did not come up. Only the screams and the heavy footsteps got closer.

The seemingly anxious soldier checked on Sienna. Sienna, who hadn’t had a good meal in a long time, looked tired. The soldier left the door. Whether he thought it was impossible for Sienna to flee even if he wasn’t sure.


Sienna thought that Carl might be the reason for the commotion.

Once he returned, she expects Queen Arya’s and her own head to be taken shortly after. She was sure he thought that she and Arya had joined hands in the rebellion, and that he resented both of them for Bluebell’s death. In fact, Sienna herself had never dreamed that Arya would prepare a rebellion, nor had she wanted Bluebell to die in that way. She shook her head.

“Whoever saw it would’ve thought Arya and me to be together. I was blinded by jealousy and tried to kill Queen Bluebell and make Joseph the emperor. That’s what it should’ve looked like.”

Sienna smiled grimly.

“Rather, it’s better this way. It wouldn’t be too bad to die by his hands because I’d be able to see Carl for one last time.”

If he had entered that door and swung a knife at her neck, she would’ve received it with a smile. That, of course, if it could put an end to that painful nightmare.

“But Joseph is…”

What wrong had the child done?

“My ignorance and folly have led to the Arya’s rebellion, and I deserve to die, but Joseph has done nothing. He’s a toddler who can’t even speak yet… At least, he won’t kill Joseph with his own hands.”

Joseph was now the only important heir to the imperial line of the Laifsden Empire. Of course, the child had been used in the rebellion to take the emperor’s seat, but Sienna still believed Carl would spare him.

“Because he’s your child… you should at least spare him that.”

“If God doesn’t do it, that’s what I’m going to do.”

Eventually, she spread out on the bed, exhausted, and closed her eyes. Her face was wet.

Months had passed since Sienna had been locked in the tower.

Sienna, who used to curse Arya every day, was no longer able to do so and spent every day lying on her bed. All she could do was think about the past or worry about Carl and Joseph.

“By what means would he be able to get in here? Like Arya said, as long as Carl’s army doesn’t have a hole to go through, there won’t be any open doors.”

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