Chapter 11: Live To Sienna Pt.11

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“Oh, you didn’t know. I inherited my late husband’s business and I’ve been running it since then. Now that my body is like this, Jane is the one actually working hard.”

“What kind of business is it is it?”

“It’s a green business. The business association is not very well known, so you won’t know it. It’s mainly a place to trade rubies or other jewelry.”

Sienna nodded her head in silence while thinking that the name “green business” sounded particularly familiar to her.

‘I think I heard that somewhere….’

However, there was nothing that immediately came to mind. Sienna talked some more with her aunt Kelly and then returned to her room. Kelly wasn’t fit enough to talk for too long.

“Chelsea, it’ll be better if you just stay in the mansion,” Sienna said when she got to her room.

At Sienna’s words, Chelsea asked with a sullen look, “Why? Miss, am I bothering you?”

Even though she was at an age to have her own grandchildren, Chelsea was cute when she was sulking.

“We’ve been here for less than a day. I’m sure your fatigue isn’t too relieved. Until tomorrow, I want you to just eat something delicious and sleep well at the mansion. If you get sick for no reason, your son, Carl, will resent me. I’m sure you’ll have a grandchild soon.…”

“But still…”

“Let’s go to the city market the day after tomorrow. You’ll need a lot of stamina to do that, so get some rest.”

In the end, Chelsea decided to stay in the mansion.

“Are you taking the carriage?”

Sienna saw the two horses in front of the mansion and asked Jane for directions.

“The Goddess of the Earth Temple is located outside the castle. It’d take a long time to get there by walking.”

Sienna didn’t know where the temple was, so she got into the carriage like they suggested. The two-person carriage slowly strayed out of the driveway of the house.

Jane asked Sienna carefully, “Miss Sienna, may I ask why you want to go to the temple?”

Sienna did not want to elaborate on her somewhat special encounter with Roy. If she was to explain how she knew him and how she had come to save him, she wouldn’t be able to answer fully. Who would believe that she knew what would happen in the next five year?

“I thought it would be a good idea to go to the temple because aunt Kelly is not feeling well. I had heard about it beforehand. I heard that the temple also sells potions. I’m not sure since I come from such a remote place, but it seems to be an item that helps the sick get better when they take it, right?”

“If that’s the case, it’s better not to expect much. The temple in the capital city doesn’t sell potions. In fact, none of the temples in Laifsden sell potions.”

“Hmm? Don’t temples sell everything?”

Sienna had never been to a temple before, so she thought it was a place where people would go to get treated, where people would go to sell potions, or where people would go to give blessings to the earth.

“The Goddess of the Earth church is not the state religion of the Holy Empire, so they do not involve themselves in potion selling. There are other denominations, of course, but only those that are viewed as state religions sell potions at their temples.”

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