Chapter 34: Live To Sienna Pt.34

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Of course, if he helped, she would be able to more actively prevent the rebellion that Arya was to cause later, but how could she have explained that to him? How could she have told him that she wanted to keep Arya from revolting in five years? Otherwise, could she have told him that she wanted him to chop her head off to remove a bad seed?

Of course, it wasn’t that she didn’t want to kill Arya, but she kept her thoughts only in her heart. If a person commited a murder just because she felt murderous, those of their family, left behind in their hometown, would be disgraced and in danger.

Sienna intended to get revenge on Arya, but she did not want the type of revenge that would take her own life. It was a terrible thing to think of people losing their lives because of their own selves. It was ridiculous to ask Carl to kill her. A requested murder was still murder.

‘If Carl says he’s going to come and help, what can I do for him?’

She pulled herself out of bed before she could put away the fleeting thoughts because she felt a foreign air floating in her room. There was a mixture of breaths and sounds other than her own. Sienna scanned the room tensely.

She caught her breath when she saw Carl standing next to the curtains by the window. She felt a sense of pressure from him as he stood against the sunlight entering the room. Sienna said, calming her surprised heart, “How long have you been there?”

“Who is the priest?”

Had he meant Roy? If he’d seen her seeing Roy off, he was, at the very least, in her room before she entered it.

“You should’ve announced yourself. Rather, how did you even get in here?”

“Is it that priest? Your unattainable love?”

“That misunderstanding is impolite. He only came to offer his blessing to my aunt. How did you get into this room?”

Carl pointed at the locked window, as it should have been, at Sienna’s words. The room was getting dark because it was near sunset.

“The windows are not for people to come in and out.”

Sienna lashed out at him by lighting candles.

‘He left through the window the last time, too…’

“Next time, I’ll let the servant know that you’re going to visit the mansion. Come in through the front gates and the door.”

It was a natural step for a typical visit. But right now, his visits had to be kept secret. So, Carl made a sarcastic remark when Sienna responded that way.

She said with discontent, “I wouldn’t have been surprised if you could have at least released some of your charisma.”

“I’ve been standing in front of the window facing the door the whole time and I think that’s enough to say that was I showing myself. On the contrary, it was your fault to lie down on your bed without noticing that I was there.”

Unable to find a rebuttal to what he had said, she turned the subject around, “Can I take it that you have accepted my offer since you are here?”

“The suggestion to join hands to threaten Empress Arya?”

“I didn’t mean to threaten her, but to keep her in check. Though, there’s not much difference in the meaning of the two. So, does that mean you’re working with me?”


“Your Majesty is in a position to keep Arya in check. Why do you say no?”

“How can I trust you?”

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