Chapter 13: Live To Sienna Pt.13

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Sienna couldn’t afford the large sum. Although her father was a duke, she was not wealthy enough to spend a lot of money on dresses. Not knowing that before, she had always been happy to wear a dress that was better than her normal clothes, but after she joined the banquet, she realized how shabby she really was in comparison.

Sienna would be laughed at anyway, so she didn’t want to spend any of her time on dresses.

“I’d rather be here than go around the shops exhaustively.”

“My precious lady, you have green water in your hands. What’s more, what do we do about that smell?!”

Sienna and Chelsea were helping Priest Roy in the temple. Chelsea was fed up with the smell of the hemp he had grown as they had been grinding and boiling them for a while now.

Just in the nick of time, Roy, who had ripped out more of the hemp, brought them another basketful of it.

“Thank you for your help. I was worried about what to do with so much.”

“Where in the world are you going to use all this stuff?” Chelsea asked graciously.

“Hahaha, this isn’t enough. There are a lot more children in the capital who are not loved by their parents and have to roam around in the streets than you think. However, if we prepare these beforehand, before the epidemic breaks out, according to the Goddess’ blessings, many children’s lives will be saved by the protection of the Goddess.”

“Children’s lives?”

“Yes. There are a lot more children who lose their lives in the streets every year than you think. They have trouble getting meals by begging and they have to sleep on the streets, so they catch colds very easily. The streets are not a safe place for children.”

“The priest must be familiar with the children of the street.”

When asked by Chelsea, he answered with a cool smile, “Haha, I actually originate from the streets.”

“Sir priest does?”

Sienna and Chelsea were surprised. She had thought he had been raised with love because she couldn’t find a hint of darkness in Roy’s face.

“I’d been on the streets ever since I realized I existed. I’d lived a similar life to the street kids, begging for help, avoiding the rain, and sleeping in the cracks of buildings. But, I was quite lucky. One summer day, I collapsed from severe pneumonia, and a priest passing by just in time found me and treated me. And then, he took me to the Holy Empire and gave me an education. Actually, I’m very lucky. Street children usually die before they reach adulthood, and even when they’ve grown up, girls sell their bodies, and boys do use their fists to work.”

Thinking he was lucky, Sienna was smiling brightly.

“So, that’s why you care about the street children?”

“I’m sorry that I’m the only one who was lucky.”

Next to him, Chelsea burst into tears.

“Was my story that depressing? I didn’t mean for it to be.”

“Who’s crying?! I’m not crying!” Chelsea shouted. She said she wasn’t crying, but her eyes and her nose were dyed red. “It’s because of the smell of the hemp. Did you wash it properly? There’s soil everywhere. I can’t. I’ll have to wash it again.”

She went outside holding the hemp basket that Roy had been holding. Apparently, she was using the pretext of washing the hemp again to go cry.

“I think miss Chelsea is a good person. She’s able to cry for others.”

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