Chapter 5: Movie Night & Surprises for Breakfast

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(POV: Dahlia is 4, Tia is 7, Jaz is 9, and Ellie is 12)

"So did everybody pick their favorite movie?" Bruce asks, carrying Dahlia on his shoulders. The family has decided to have an outdoor movie week in their large backyard and the girls begged to pick their favorite movie to watch.
"I picked a good one!" Ellie chirps.
"But I picked a gooder one!" Jazz smirks, proudly plopping down on her blanket next to Alfred. "A better one, you mean" Bruce corrected her with a chuckle. She nods and accepts a caramel milkshake from Alfred. Ellie skips over to her butterfly pillow and waits for her shake by tickling Tia.

"What's Dahly gonna drink, Alfie?" Jaz asks, leaning against Bruce once he sat down next to her. "A bottle of sugar water is all she can handle for the night." The butler nods, bringing Tia a chocolate shake. "Ohhhh like Kool-Aid?" Ellie asks, smiling when Tia flopped across her legs in a pout.
"Indeed. Without the added food coloring and flavors"
"My favorite!" She cheers as a cookie dough shake is brought to her. Once the rest of the beverages were distributed along with some snacks, Bruce grabbed the portable DVD player. "Alright now, what did you each pick?" he asks while Dahlia enjoys her sugary water.

"The Little Mermaid!"
"The Iron Giant!"

"Interesting choices. Dahlia, my precious child with her mother's weird tendencies, picked Coraline" Bruce sighs, frowning at Tia's whimper. "That's a scary movie!" She whines. "Don't worry, Tia. We'll protect ya. Alfie, too. He'll give the baddies a stern talking to" Jaz announces proudly.
"Yeah, and Daddy will use the Batman voice to keep them away" Ellie giggles.
"No scary" Dahlia pouts, folding her arms like her father does and trying to bat glare at any baddies lurking around.
"Let's watch Iron Giant first. We'll save Coraline for last." Bruce suggests, letting Tia curl up against him with her shake.
"Okay. That's a happy movie" She agrees as Dahlia drinks her sugary drink from a water bottle.
Once the movie is over, Bruce checks on the girls and gently lays Dahlia down on a blanket as she sleeps.

With Coraline deducted from the playlist, they move on to Anastasia knowing Jaz refuses to sleep without finishing it beginning to end.
She and Ellie tried to dance like Anastasia and Demetri before they accidentally banged foreheads when the couple kissed at the end.

Bruce admits he did chuckle along with Alfred but the girls were quietly giggling too so no harm was done to anybody's ego.
With one princess movie done and Jaz asleep, they move onto the Little Mermaid just to lull Tia to sleep with happy dreams.
Ellie didn't mind but she, of course, was half asleep anyway.
By the end of the movie, all of his little girls were sleeping.
He did have to readjust Jaz once she began her lawnmower routine in Dahlia's face. He and Alfred decided to put on a nice movie they both enjoy... The Addams Family.
Maybe the Wayne Family was similar in the antics but there was no way there was a hand roaming their hallways nor was there an uncle who could get electrocuted with no repercussions unless they counted Clark.
Then again, Diana would be fine after that too. But he doesn't have to tell his girls that.


Of course, today's events were going to be interesting. Why?
Because the ENTIRE GODDAMN JUSTICE LEAGUE had decided to show up at his front door in their costumes at 730 in the morning. Yes, Diana, Clark, Barry, Oliver, Shayera, J'Onn, Arthur, John.

How did they get in?




"Daddy, I'm hungr-..... OH MY GOSH SUPERMAN IS IN THE DINING ROOM!!! ALFIE, GET THE CAMERA! TIA, WAKE UP!!" Ellie screams before running back outside to her sister's tent. Bruce facepalms and glares at the grinning Kryptonian.
Jaz stumbles into the kitchen from using the bathroom and freezes when the league looks at her. She frowned until she saw Diana. "Jaz, do not faint." Bruce scoops her up as she bumps the fridge.
"I am dead and this is a dream. Tell me, dream dad. Is this heaven?" She asks, squishing Bruce's cheeks together.
"I can assure you it is not." Diana smiles as she approaches. She laughs as Jaz jumps into her arms sobbing happily. Alfred takes pictures rather quickly.

"Oh my gosh! Superman is in our kitchen! Flash is in our kitchen! I'm gonna die!" Tia screeches before fainting against Ellie. "If Tia was currently awake, she would say she would like to talk science with Flash and planets with Superman along with Martian Manhunter. Dahlia refuses to enter the kitchen until she is properly introduced" Alfred explains, carrying the youngest and grumpiest girl.

"Jaz, I know she is your hero but now you are excessively sobbing. You're going to get sick on her" Bruce sighs, wiping his daughter's eyes.

"I know! It's just she's sooooooo beautiful and she doesn't have to wear pants! I dont want to wear pants every day, dad!" Jaz sniffles with her head on Diana's shoulder.

"This is Dahlia, my youngest daughter. Dahlia, this is the Justice League." Bruce announces. Dahlia nods and points at Superman with determination.
"Unca Clark" she huffs before moving onto Green Arrow.
"Jazzy's boyfriend daddy" she announces then moves onto Flash.
"Unca Barry" she nods before pouting as if she has been lied to.

Bruce's jaw had dropped along with Barry's and Clark's while Oliver was cackling crazily on the floor.

Diana hides her giggling by asking Jaz to show her around the house. Tia re-awakens and grabs Flash's hand, taking him to her science lab.
"Good job, Dahlia. It seems our memory game has worked." Alfred smirks while Ellie claps.

"I'm going to brood in my study. Forever." Bruce grumbles.
"Now would you all like to join us for a quick tour and then breakfast? I made waffles and scones."

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