Chapter 12: Pregnant

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Guess who's pregnant? EVERYBODY!

He never suspected it.

Roy W. Harper never suspected a thing.

The night before was filled with sweat, love, moans, and tears. The love of his life was beautiful in every second of it and it rarely ended. Roy couldn't have been this in love with someone before. Jazlyn P. Wayne was a goddamn goddess in everything she did.

The way she looked at him before punching him in the shoulder when he said something stupid.

The way she rolled her gorgeous eyes and smirked when he flirted with her.

The way her hips swung when she wore a skin-tight dress.

The look she gave him when it was time for "bedroom activities" before beating him to the bed every single time.

He just couldn't find anything wrong with her. She wasn't anything like Jade that's for damn sure. Where jade would try and get him high so he would do whatever she wanted him to do, Jaz would honestly just give him a look that would make his heart soar.


He couldn't wait to marry this girl and have like ten kids with her.

"Roy toy"

God and that sweet voice she woke him up with every morning was the cherry on top. He felt a sharp nick on his neck and smiles before opening his eyes.





"Harper" Dahlia, of all people, hisses with the longest sword in the world held against his neck. Seriously, who is this kid's weapon supplier?!

"Jesus H. Christ, kid! Get off!" He shrieks before she backflips off and onto the dresser.

"You have sullied my sister's body once again! Prepare to suffer the consequences I warned you about previously. May you perish and meet my enemies in hell" She hisses like a cat before pulling back her arm to throw the sword. "DAHLIA MARTHA!"

The 11-year-old jolts before glaring at Jaz who looked very disappointed in her. Jaz rolls her eyes and scoops her up like a demon baby. "Sorry babe. Be right back" Jaz grins sweetly at Roy before dragging her sister away.

"I said Code B, not D. Get yourself together, child" Jaz hisses on the way out. Roy immediately gets dressed and cleaned up before the door opens again.


"Hey Terry, Hey Ellie" Roy sighs, no longer tense.

"Roy, my sister is pregnant with your baby"

"... WHAT? That's Code B?!?!"

"WAIT! I WAS KIDDING! What the hell did you do, Harper?!" Ellie gasps in shock before calling for Jaz. Terry crawls onto the bed and blinks up at Roy. Roy picks him up and follows the girls downstairs.

Jaz and Ellie were arguing. Well more like hissing like angry cats while Tia watched. Dahlia, of course, noticed his entrance and growled. Roy quietly put Terry in her arms and left to extend his lifeline.

Jaz probably shouldn't have done what she did but of course, it was a good thing she warned Roy ahead of time. Now she just has to stay in Selina's old apartment until the birth of the baby.


"Alfie, where's my dad?" Jaz asks as she steps into the kitchen slowly. Bruce looks up from his cup of decaf when she says, dad. "What can we do for you, Miss Jazlyn?" Alfred asks, an eyebrow raised.

"Well... you know... I couldn't help thinking the other day that when Terry doesn't have anyone to play with besides Ellie. I mean she's old and crazy. He needs someone small and safe to play." She explains, casually grabbing a cookie and the carton of ice cream.

"Where are you going with this, Jaz?" Bruce asks, eyes narrowing.

"Oh, I'm kind of... pregnant and hungry so I'll see you guys in like 8 months! Bye!" She rambles fast before running out the kitchen and up the stairs. If she had stayed a second longer, she would've seen Bruce faint for 20 seconds. He had quickly regained consciousness before heading into the Batcave.

The next meeting at JL HQ...

"Ollie! Dinah!! HELP!!!" Arsenal shouts while running past every confused hero in the hall. He even sped past Flash and Superman before hiding behind Black Canary. "Arsenal, what's the matter, honey?" She asks, petting his wild hair down.

"It's coming to kill me" He nods, hiding even further into the closet where they stored the cleaning supplies. She frowns at Green Arrow before hearing a loud BOOM.


"Was that Bats?" Ollie frowns before the said man appears angrier than Superman on red kryptonite.

Supes, of course, appears rather quickly. "B, let's talk this out like logical men" He offers. "NO! He'll have to die first" Batman snarls. "Batman, be reasonable" Diana sighs, trying to hold him back with her lasso. "I'll kill him!"

Bruce breaks out of her hold and shoots the closet door off its hinges before dragging Roy out. The four heroes chase after them. Bruce drags him across the watchtower and halfway to the conference room, Roy slumps, accepting his fate.

Some of the younger leaguers were laughing at the spectacle before another explosion that rocked the actual tower happened.

"PUT HIM THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT FUCKING NOW, BATMAN" A new vigilante snarls so viciously, the young leaguers run for cover.

Red Hood, which is just an alias for one of Batman's daughters, was the scariest thing known to man. Arsenal had never looked so happy to see his savior arrive. Bruce drops him and glares as he runs over to her. "Bring your overly emotional ass back to the cave or you will pay. Arsenal, let's fucking go!" She demands, stomping back through the portal.

In the cave...


"No, you shut the hell up. You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm not fucking 12 years old and he did not force me to do anything! I am a grown-ass woman and I can take care of my damn self. You do not control my uterus much less my damn mind. So fuck off!" She growls.

She then turns to Roy. "And you, running? Really? He's too attached to his pissy moral code to kill you. He won't kill you." She scoffs.

"...yet" Bruce murmurs.

"BRUCE FUCKING WAYNE!" Selina snarls. Bruce pales before looking at his daughter in betrayal. "I told you, you would pay" She flips her hair before dragging Roy upstairs for tea and cuddles.

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