Chapter 17: Uncle Tony & his Tower

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"Sir, Mr.Wayne has arrived" JARVIS announces in the rec room of the tower.

"Oh, we're having another school visit thingy?" Clint asks, stealing a bite of chicken parmigiana from Nat's plate. "Not that I was aware of" Rhodey frowns as Tony hurries to the elevator. Steve and Bucky were sharing their newest favorite food of the month: Nachos. Sam was casually stealing chips from Steve's plate and ignoring Bucky's frown as somehow Sam's hand found its way onto his sour cream.

"Who is this Wayne, Computer?" Thor asks as he sat down next to Bruce quietly.

"Bruce Wayne is a billionaire industrialist and notorious playboy from Gotham City, New Jersey. He is the owner and CEO of Wayne Inc. as well as Wayne Enterprises" JARVIS sums up.

"So of course, he and Tony would be buddies. Tony has a type" Nat scoffs. Bruce yelps when Thor hugs him. "Random hug time again?" he sighs. "Indeed. I must fill my quota or I will feel inadequate " Thor smiles, bright as the sun shining outside of the tower's windows. 

"This is the lovely rec room where all my buddies hang out and eat all the food we've bought the month" Tony explains to the little girl in his arms and the one holding his hand. The one in his arms giggles in unison along with the one holding hands with the man behind Tony.

"Everyone, this is my good buddy, Bruce Wayne. These are his little munchkins aka my nieces" Tony explains as the Avengers came over to say hi to the little ones. 

"This is Tia, Ellie, Dahlia, and Jaz. Be sure to pick your favorite wisely. They can sense fear, especially Dahlia" Tony nods, ignoring Bruce's eye roll. Ellie began to skip around the room with Dahlia on her hip, singing something from Disney. 

Dahlia glares at everyone, her father included, for letting her sister behave like this. "Tia, did you know my friend, Dr.Banner is a famous scientist?" Tony mentions to the girl he was holding. Her sweet blue eyes lit up with shock and fascination as Dr.Banner blushes. 

"Well, good luck getting her to leave you alone after that" Bruce chuckles, sitting down with Jaz in his lap. She wasn't too eager to meet these people. She missed her tea party with some of the league ladies because they had to go help her Aunt Diana out at home.

"Ellie, why don't you let your sister sit with us and you go make friends?" Bruce offers with a smile. Ellie drops her sister off and flips over to Thor. 

"My, you must be like Clint in the ways of stretchiness. He has a family of stretchy people such as you" Thor hums aloud, not minding Sam's laugh. Clint smirks. 

"It's called the Circus and Gymnastics, buddy" he adds. Ellie squeals and rushes over to Clint excitedly. Clint blinks in shock before looking at her dad.

"Her mother was a part of the circus. Trapeze artist, specifically" Bruce chuckles as Ellie jumps around excitedly on the couch. Clint nods before asking her questions to get her focused. Steve sat down next to Sam and Bucky on the other couch. 

Dahlia cautiously climbed to the floor from her father's lap and Jaz leaned forward to watch her. She eventually sat on the floor and toyed with her purple tutu while watching Dahlia toddle over to a large shield. Dahlia frowns before sitting in front of it and taps it a couple of times, finding joy in the twinkling sound it makes. 

She jolts as her sister approaches and makes sounds with her. "No, no, Jazzy" Dahlia frowns, putting Jaz's hands on the center of the shield while she rests her own on the sides.

The two then focus on patting it hard enough to make the soft twinkling noise. A throat clears and they look up at Steve who was smiling. "Is it okay if I help, too?" he asks the girls. Dahlia nods and he sits down and lets her place his hand somewhere. 

Jaz watched them before something shiny caught her eye. She left the shield alone and watched as the shiny thing became an arm. She frowns before approaching curiously and poking it. She jumps when it moves to poke her tummy. She giggles softly and lets her hand rest in it. 

"Hello" a voice softly croaks. 

She finally follows the arm to a face and Bucky softly smiles. "This is yours?" She asks, grabbing the arm as if to give it back to him. "Yes it is but I dont mind if you wanna touch it. It's very shiny, huh?" he chuckles. She nods before sitting next to him and hugging his arm to study it. 

Sam nudges Steve to look at Bucky and Steve's heart melts at the sight of Bucky making friends with the little girl. Dahlia squeaks as her dad picked her up. He sits down with them to give her a snack. "Ah I wondered where the trouble maker went" Bruce smiles, watching Jaz giggle at something Bucky said.

"She likes shiny things, I assume" Sam grins, watching Jaz try to make the fingers move but huffs in frustration when they do the opposite. "Her stepmother likes to call it little rebellion but I thought only teenagers did that. Jaz is a teenager in her mind, though, so it makes sense she would go for the quieter, mysterious people" Bruce chuckles. Jaz asks Bucky and something before marching over to her dad. 

"Yes, child of mine?" he grins.

"Can I keep him? He has a shiny arm and he's nice. Can I have a shiny arm?" She chirps. Bruce groans, ignoring the other snickers before looking at his daughter. 

"Jaz, remember we had that talk about why we dont own people and we can't keep them?" he asks as she leans on him with a pout. 

"Yes" she whines. 

"Well, he can be your friend. Did you ask him to be your friend?" Bruce sighs. She blinks before rushing back over to BUcky and once he nods, she returns to her dad. 

"He said yes. I am not sharing him with anyone, though" She huffs. Steve whispers something to her and she hums in thought. "I only share with Mr.Steve" She announces.

Bucky comes over and grins when she sits in his lap once he sits next to Steve. 

"Well, I found our lovechild" Bucky teases, snickering at Steve's small glare. Sam laughs out loud and leans against Steve, still giggling. Bruce pulls out his phone and begins to take pictures of his girls' delighted faces. 

A couple of hours later, the girls were curled up around Steve's shield each with a bear, a blanket, and a pillow asleep. Bruce took a picture and smiles as he studies it. Ellie, clinging to her Hawkeye bear, next to Tia who was snuggling a Hulk bear and an Iron bear. Jaz was clutching her Bucky bear tight and laying on the Falcon Bear. 

Dahlia held the Cap Bear morbidly like she was in a casket but Bruce was used to her morbid ways anyway.

After a nap, Jaz decides to get up and try to do Bucky's hair. Nat comes over and helps her braid his hair, instructing her how to start a braid while asking Bucky how he feels about a fishtail. Dahlia joins in and Nat holds her hands so she can understand what they were doing. 

Ellie giggles as she and Clint walk on their hands, singing Moana at the top of their lungs. Tia was playing with Tony's robots and showing Dr.Banner how she made her small android. 

Thor joins the hair braiding club which delights Dahlia and Steve laughs along with Sam at Bucky's eyes crossing whenever Jaz leaned over to make eye contact with him. 

 Today had been a great day. Maybe he'll bring the girls back soon. Perhaps when Alfred recovers from hip surgery.

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