𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. crabs & wallflowers

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butterfly's repose — part two
" 𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖇𝖘 & 𝖜𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘. "

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     Remus laid his hands flat on the grain of the wooden desk he and Selene were sitting at in the library, making sure his voice was hushed enough that it didn't disturb anyone around them. The only thing was, the low volume of his voice meant he couldn't quite express the confusion he felt the way he wanted to.

     Lessons for the day had almost ended and students dotted around the school were getting ready to spend the evening in their commons rooms or anywhere a great fire was burning. With the first few weeks of term dragging on, the weather had turned grey and cold as November was now in everyone's sights. 

     Selene and Remus shared a free period last and so Selene proposed that they spent it together. Her exact words were we should hang out, explaining Remus' confusion when he found himself following her to the library.

     Selene always found that free periods were best spent productively so she never ended up like the students that left their homework to the last minute, their school work eating into their free time after lessons had ended for the day.

     Which is why she had her head bowed low and her quill scribbling swiftly against a fresh page of parchment, her Herbology textbook open in front of her. "I would have thought you could work out the purposes of a library, Remus." She lifted her chin to show him a faint, teasing smile. "Don't worry, I'm only slightly disappointed."

     "Har har," Remus rolled his eyes, himself only slightly disappointed when Selene returned to her work, scrawling away on the page. "What I mean is that, when you asked if I wanted to hang out after class, I thought that meant that we were going to . . . hang out."

     "Does homework not fall into the category of hanging out then?"

     "Not when you're currently doing work for a subject I do not take, no."

butterfly's repose ━━  remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now