𝐱𝐯𝐢. pumpkin carving

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butterfly's repose — part two
" 𝖕𝖚𝖒𝖕𝖐𝖎𝖓 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌. "


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"I like to think of it more like reconnecting with my childhood."

Remus Lupin hadn't carved a pumpkin since he was seven. And that was the first and last time he ever participated in any Halloween celebrations. He thought it was a pathetic American holiday and a waste of time and sweets. The only other time he was forced to take part in spooky season activities was when James and Sirius threw a party in the Gryffindor common room on the thirty-first during their sixth year and even then he just called it another Marauders bash and got so pissed he hardly even remembered it was Halloween. Not to mention, werewolves are villainized in Muggle culture on October thirty-first. Christmas is much more pleasant.

It was safe to say Halloween wasn't Remus' favourite holiday.

So when James suggested they carve pumpkins together at midnight in the greenhouses as it was their final year at school, Remus was even more shocked when Sirius and Peter entertained the idea.

"I don't think I've ever heard such bullshit come from your mouth before, James," Remus said as the four of them descended the stairs towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

Peter held up a finger to make his point, "That's saying something."

Remus hadn't changed his opinions on the whole pumpkin carving thing by the time third period rolled around. James had been mentioning it in passing all day and so by one o'clock, Remus had concluded he was going to be forced to participate.

Then again, he didn't have any other plans for the evening and James had spoken about how they had all invited other people so it wasn't just going to be the lonely four of them doing juvenile activities in the middle of the night.

He thought about how everyone else was inviting people when Selene walked through the door into the History of Magic classroom. She smiled at Remus as she took her seat a couple of rows in front of him.

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