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You sigh, Jungkook i'm done. Jungkook looks at you confused, what do you mean babe? I want a break, i'm done getting hurt because how you treat me i need a break. Is that what u want? Jungkook asks. You nod. Jungkook looks down at the floor, Alright if that's what u want then sure. He smiles, you could see the pain in his eyes. I'm sorry, you say looking at him sadly. It's alright don't worry i was being a dick to you and i understand if you need a break then take as much as time you need. He looks at you while gently strokes your cheek. I love you, good night. He says before kissing your forehead and leaves.

You close the door and go to the bathroom to chance into your pajamas. After you were done doing your skincare and brushing your teeth, you decided to go to bed still pretty sad about you and Jungkook, its not like you guys broke up you guys are just taking a break right? you thought to yourself.

Gosh i need to stop thinking about it and go sleep. You say as you close your eyes and drift off.

Next day

You wake up to someone knocking on your hotel door. What time is it? You asked yourself and go reach for your phone, It's 1 pm? Room service wouldn't come knocking on my door at this hour. You thought to yourself while walking towards the door.

You open the door and see Haneul standing in front of you. Seems like someone just woke up, he says and laughs. Yea because someone knocked on my door, you say and laugh too. Come in. Haneul comes in and sits on the bed while looking at u down and up. What is it? You ask him. Nothing you just look really pretty right now, He says while smiling at u. Stop lying, you look at him. He laughs

Get ready. He says giving you a bag, For what? you asked and take the bag and look inside it and open it and see clean clothes. You look at him confused. We're gonna go out, he says. Go out? Like hang out? You ask. Yea now go and get ready i'll wait for u here. Alright, you answer him and go get ready.


Sorry for taking such a long time, you say as ur coming out of the bathroom. Oh it's alright don't worry, he says looking at u. You look gorgeus. He compliments u. This doesn't feel right, you thought to yourself. No i'm sure his just being friendly nothing else. Plus if he would be flirting with me, i have boyfriend. But we are taking a break, so does that mean it doesn't matter if i flirt back with him? No i'm not going that would hurt Jungkook.

What are you thinking about? Haneul asks looking at u worried. You okay? He asks. Yea i'm fine, you look at him smiling. Alright well let's go, Haneul says standing up and heading towards the door.

Y/n posted on their story 26 mins ago.

Y/n posted on their story 26 mins ago

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