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Jungkook's pov.

I couldn't. I hanged up and changed to normal call, so she couldn't see me tearing up. She picked up. Kookie are you ok? You suddenly hanged up on me and you don't usually hang up on me.
I could hear her being worried. I.. I couldn't tell her. What is it baby? She asked worriedly. I think we should take a break. I closed my eyes as i said it scared she will freak out. She didn't say a word. Baby it's ok i understand why you want a break. She said as i could feel her trying to fake a happy smile and a normal voice tone, but i know deep inside of her heart. She was heart broken. I'll talk to you later. All i heard from her and then, She ended the call.

Y/n's pov

I was shocked too shocked i couldn't move i was trembling. Until, i felt something on my cheek. A tear drop. I was sobbing quietly as i sat on my bed hands on my face. "I knew it." I laughed quetly but seconds lately the laughs turned to crying sounds,sobs,screaming. I was broken couldn't understand why why we we're over or we're we? I was too tired not in a mood to talk to anybody. I went go bathroom and looked at the mirror. I was so mad i couldn't do anything. I think i should relax. I said to my self while went take a water of glass. After i took it it didn't last long as I dropped the glass and started to cry again. Not many seconds later i got a call from....


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