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voguekoreaa: @smth.y/n ♥️

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smth.y/n: thank you so much, loved working with you guys!! ♥️

shavien: prettiest ❤️

rvwendy: my girlfriend🥰


fan91: love you y/n!!

fan1010: gorgeus thing!!

Y/n's pov

It has been couple years since me and Jungkook broke up, i haven't contacted him ever since we broke up or heard about him, but i'm sure his doing great now.

I started dating Haneul, and moved with him after me and Jungkook broke up. Haneul  was so sweet enough to lend me a room in his apartment and he was there for me when Jungkook and I recently broke up.

I've been living the best life after that but if i had to be honest...i didn't enjoy it. I deep down still missed him a lot his laugh, his weird yet funny jokes, how he would always cuddle with me and whisper all those sweet words when i pretended to be sleeping.

God i missed those so much but i know that the best thing to do was to end it, our relationship was draining each other but still deep down we still tried and loved each other so much.

Yes I do love Haneul a lot but Jungkook still has a deeper place in my heart and i would feel so bad if i told Haneul so i haven't. I know deep down he knows.

"Hey my love" Haneul came towards me and kissed me on my cheek. "Is everything alright?" He asked placing his hands on both of my cheeks. I giggle "Yes, everything is alright." I answered and walked to the bathroom.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked Haneul. He chuckles and walks towards me placing his hands around my waist. "Yes, in a minute." He says kissing me everywhere. "u need to hurry, u don't wanna be late and make ur secretary mad do u?" I turn around and face him smiling. "You're so pretty..." He says kissing me on the lips "alright then i shall leave now" he says fixing his tie and kissing me on the forehead before leaving I love u darling. he says and leaves. Love u too!!  I yell to him before he leaves.

After i got ready, i head downstairs and my phone starts ringing. "Wonder who that could be" I pick up my phone and answer the call

Hello, y/n on the phone. Y/n, hurry and come u don't wanna be late for the studio do u? My manager says in a pissed tone. Oh yes ma'am ill be out in a minute i answer her and hang up the call. I hurriedly run outside and see my manager waiting in a car.

10 hours later

My work finally ends and i finished recording my solo song, i've been working on for 2 months. As i open the door my phone starts ringing and i pick it up.

Hello? Hey my love, please dress up pretty when i get home. We are gonna go to a restaurant to eat dinner. Haneul said on the phone. Ohh alright well ill go and get ready now, i'll see u when ur home. Yes, see u then bye i love u. He said. Love u too. i said hanging up the call.

After getting ready for couple hours i head downstairs where Haneul is waiting for me, and we start  heading to the restaurant.

So how was work? Haneul asked taking a piece of his food. Oh it was good, how about urs? I asked sipping the wine. It was tiring but its alright, at the end of the day i get to spend it with u. he smiles and reaches for my hand. I smile gently back.

Haneul..we gotta talk. I say pulling my hand away from his.
Well that is it darling? he asked worriedly. I take a deep breath.

I'm sorry but i just don't think our relationship is worth it anymore, i just think you need someone better than me and i know u know that i'm still thinking about Jungkook and i know its ruining our relationship because i can't seem to get over him. I love u a lot i swear but Jungkook just has more important place in my heart than u i'm sorry. I look down. Haneul sighs. I'm so sorry. i say tears in my eyes


Haneul says my name and i snap back to reality. Oh sorry did i black out? I asked Haneul. You did, is everything alright is work tiring u out or something? He asks placing his hand on my cheek. I gently smile. Yea i think so, i'm sorry i've been working non stop its making me tired.

It's alright don't worry, i understand. Anyways what did u want to talk about? Haneul asks me. Oh nothing it wasn't important. I laugh it out. Y/n do u love me? He asks. Yes of course. I love u a lot.

Haneul leaves his seat and walks towards me taking my hands and holding both of them. Y/l Y/n, i love u so much. You're the reason i have a spark and i'm getting out of bed every morning, to see your gorgeus face beside me. I love u so much, Haneul gets on one knee. Tears coming to my eyes. Y/l Y/n will u marry me? Haneul asks.

To be continued...


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