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"why don't you understand! I don't trust him!" he shouted while trying hard to prevent his angerness. "I don't understand why you have to go and make a big deal out of it!" you were at your limit of leaving being done with his ass. "oh wow! So now you're blaming it all on me, funny!" He said and chuckled and looking away. "Look i don't wanna fight over a dumb thing so let's jus-" Before you could even finish your sentence he decided to say something, not caring that he just cut your sentence "OH, so you think that what happened was a dumb thing wow okay."

Rewind to few hours back...

"So how are you?" Shavien asked while sipping his coffee and staring at you munching down your cake. "Oh, me? I-i'm good" you try calming down but you couldn't because theres a whole ass meal in front of your eyes. I mean his looks and personality isn't bad but you were already dating someone who's way more hotter then shavien so. It was a bit uncomfortable having all girls giving you stares and hear people whispering and all that but you didn't mind since he was your friend and nothing else. "So you dating jungkook huh?" Shavien asked while smirking at you. "and you're friends with the handsome man huh?" You knew he was trying to do so you so you decided to join too. "damn songbird ain't you a little harsh one" He said while laying his back on the back of the chair, trying hard to not lose his cool. "so if i am" You said leaning forward to him and staring to his eyes. he also leaned forward so much that your guys noses were able to touch if u moved a bit forward. you leaned to his ear and whispered, "closer?" and went back to the position you were few minutes ago. Shavien laughed and raised his hand touching your hair, as he was coming closer something happened..

"don't you dear touch her you motherfucker."

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