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Smth.y/n: C u next year my love 💗

Fan 1 : Where are you going
Fan 2: @fan 1 That is my question too

Redwen: I'll miss u a lot 🖤

Fan 3: We are frjickinggg outtt

Fan 4: A lil expose pleazz

Hater: lmao she has finally left him Lmaoo

Hater 2 : She's a whore now running after another man.
Hater3: @hater 2 Agree lmaoo
Fan 5: ^ AGREEE

Next day 4:12 PM

Y/n pov


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4,3M others liked

Smth.y/n: day 1 xo

Tagged: @Hernylee3 @shawtien @madsnxo @rhinna @valinasup

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Jungkooks pov

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1 min ago posted on smth.y/n's story.

Y/ns pov

Notification from iMessage.

Bunny ఌ : hi baby, how's it going?

Carrot ꨄ: Hey babyy! Sorry i was busy. But it's great! Miss you tho.

Bunny ఌ: Miss you more.
Bunnyఌ: glad that it's great.
Bunnyఌ: So uh, you we're busy partying huh?

Carrot ꨄ: of course no. We we're partying on the evening, i was busy because today was the first meet and greet on Los Angeles! And i had sum
Interwievs that's why. Don't worry i wasn't doing anything bad behind your back. I gotta go now call me later bye! I love you x

Bunny ఌ: Oh ok. Bye
Bunny ఌ: I love you too xo

End of the messages

Author's pov

8:26 PM EST. LA

Bunny ఌ  is calling
accept  decline

You accepted

"Hi bunny!" y/n smiled wildly as she lookes straight into his eyes."hi." Jungkook answered as he looked tired and a little bit madly but he didn't want to make an eye contact with her so he kept looking down. "i-is everything ok?" she asked scared and nervously as she was scared of...losing him."Uhh baby" he said softly and he looked from the camera straight into her eyes he felt it. Her pain of loosing him. She knew what next he was about to say it might been good or bad news but whoever knows "i uhhh" he said nervously as he can see her smile starting to fade more and more. " i think it's time-" he said while looking down not allowing her to see his tears

To be continued

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