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"Oh no"
{[Sleepovers]} Chap. 1
-3rd person POV-

"Whooooooo!" Henry cheered as he put his arms in the air. "It's finally the fricken weekend!"

"Yup, and you all know what that means~" Drew said with a cocky smile. "Sleepover time~" he points his finger in the air

"Yay! Do we have any movies in mind for the weekend?" Jake asks.

"Oooooo I really wanna watch venom! I've heard it's really good and the second one just came out!" Henry shouts. Naturally louder then the rest.

"Awesome! We could go to the theaters tomorrow and see it! Great idea Hen!" Jake praises him.

"Thank you~" Henry gives a smug smile to no one in particular.

All four of the boys are walking to one of they're houses, excited for they're sleepover all weekend.

"Hey how bout we have it at my house this time? Plus we're basically here already anyway." Liam suggests.

Everyone agreed.


-Henry's POV-

We walk in Liam's house and all throw our backpacks near the door. Along with our shoes.

I run into the living room and immediately through myself onto the couch. Everyone walks in after and laughs at my antics.

"So what do you guys wanna talk about?" I started conversation and sat up normally so others could sit as well.

"I've got nothing man.." Drew says "my life is with you guys, so you practically know everything." Drew's parents don't pay much attention to him. I feel bad, but it's also not much of my problem either.

"Well I don't wanna watch the movie right now. We gotta save it till tonight!" Jake says ambitiously. He's such a movie nerd. "So do you guys have any?"

"Yeah I've got some upstairs" Liam answers back.

They of course mean edibles. We do them at most of our sleepovers. It always makes it more fun.

"Shouldn't we do them later too? Doing them at 2 wouldn't be that cool." I say, trying to keep it down just in case Liam's mom was around.

I don't mind doing drugs with them. I quite frankly enjoy it, but I'm that paranoid friend. Who's always checking around to see if anyones near when we talk about it.

Idk where Liam and Drew find these dealers but I'm not complaining.


We all came up with a plan for the weekend. And don't waist a second to execute it.

Step1; Eat


We all stood in Liam's kitchen staring at each other. Awkwardly...

"Well I can't cook so- it's down to you three." I blurt out, giving a shrug. Liam smiles and looks at Drew and Jake.

"Don't look at me. I've been served by personal chefs my entire life." Drew says as if we should've already known that.

Sleepovers {/Henriam\}Where stories live. Discover now