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"I. Will always. Be here."
{[Sleepovers]} Chap. 3
-Henry's POV-

It was a very nice sleep. I slept on the side closest to his door while he slept on the other. Though I tried not to confide in his warmness that only lied next to me, I just couldn't.

I don't know much about omegas, but I do know that we don't have much body heat. Don't ask me why cause I don't have an answer. We just enjoy the comfort of others. Unfortunately.

I woke up curled close to Liam's chest. A barely noticeable snore escaped from my lungs during the night.

My eyes fluttered open sorely. Feeling nice and warm. I slowly pushed away from Liam as I woke up more. Sitting up from the mattress we layed on, when I heard a chuckle from behind me.

"Look who's awake~" Liam said with a cheeky smile. My head turned to look.

"Uh..." I didn't know what to say, "Good morning.."

"Morning." He laughed.

I faced forward again and rubbed my eyes. What a long night.. I felt big warm hands grab my waist and pull me down onto the bed again. I landed with an oof.

Liam smiled at me with pearly white teeth. He just kept staring at my face as I dazed at his. Wonder filled my mind as I questioned what he may be thinking about. Until he spoke once more: "Are you excited~?"

He pulled me closer to him, leaving no space between us.

I blushed. My eyes in shock as I think about what his intentions may be... What is he talking about?!

I gazed up at him, "W-what do you mean.?"

He kissed my nose sweetly, "For the movie today!" He smiled.

My face blushed even more as I recalled all the dirty things I thought about a minute ago. I hid my embarrassment into his chest as he laughed and hugged me tightly. Feels so warm...

He placed his head on top of mine and hummed.
"What do you think tweedle dee and tweedle dum are up to down there?"

"I don't know.. probably sleeping."

"We should wake them up." I felt a smile grow on his face.

"Prank them!" I smiled too.

We pulled away and shared mischievous smirks.


We sneaked down the stairs with caution. Making sure not to sound a creek.

As we walked over to the middle of the living room, we stared at our victims. Sleeping peacefully and fully unaware of what's coming.

"What should we do?!" I whispered up at Liam.

"I don't know... we should put Jake's finger in warm water." He smiled down at me, his hand near his mouth to make sure they don't hear.

My eyes lit up! "Oooooo we should take Drew's phone and hide it for the whole day!" I beamed. Practically jumping up and down as I whispered to him.

Sleepovers {/Henriam\}Where stories live. Discover now