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"A Night to Remember"
{[Sleepovers]} Chap. 2
-Henry's POV-

"What's wrong?!" Liam asks, concern laced through his voice. He backed away and looked me up and down checking for anything wrong.

I started quivering my lip as the pain gets more intense. Holding my dick through my pants so Liam can't see me getting hard, and because it hurt so much..

I'm shaking and too high to think straight. What do I do?? Is there anything I can do?

Liam sniffs the air and realizes why I'm in distress. Only making me more paranoid. Could he resist the alpha in him. Does he have enough self control?

As scared as I am, it was getting really hard to stand. And thinking of a plan just wasn't an option. One; I'm not smart, and two; IM HIGH AS FUCK.

Liam noticed me wobbling in pain and picked me up from my feet. Trying to be gentle, he placed me on his bed, feeling my forehead.

"Do you want some water? Or maybe a fan? I could try and get the air conditioner from the basement for you." Liam says looking down at me worriedly.

I didn't expect him to care that much.. that's really sweet of him.

My heat has completely brainwashed me. My body constantly telling me that I want him. That I need his touch and kiss. And I was slowly giving in...

I looked up at him. My body sitting up on its own.

"..I want you." I whisper. My eyes half way closed again as I cup his face. He became very red, but didn't look embarrassed.

He smashed his lips on mine, and crawled on top of me. He wasn't as gentle from before, but I enjoyed it just as much. The more we kiss, the more aggressive he gets. And I absolutely love it.

We parted for a second. I saddened from our discontinued kiss, but he looks down at me in a serious manner.

"Do I have your consent?" He asked.

My eyes open a bit more as I try to think, but I couldn't. There were to many distractions and Liam was the biggest.

My heat impulsively made me say yes.

He leaned down and kissed me more. Placing them everywhere on my body.

Every kiss felt like they were sizzling against my skin, making me moan. And he did them a lot. Finally making a trail down to my pants. His fingers fiddled with the hem of my sweat pants, teasing me more.

When he pulled my pants off completely, my hard on was definitely more noticeable than before. Making me bite my bottom lip from the cold air that hit my legs.

I threw my head back against his pillows as he rubbed his hands all over my dick through my boxers. I've honestly never felt this good in my life..

He removed the rest of my clothing. And my head flew back forward as he started licking the shaft of my dick. From my balls to the tip. Up and down with his tongue.

My breathing became more heavy, as the pain I once felt was slowly fading away. With every warm lick he gave me, sending sensation and pleasure through out my whole body.

Sleepovers {/Henriam\}Where stories live. Discover now