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"Anyone on your mind?" He asked. Tilting my head up and then letting go. When he originally asked that question, my mind thought back to when Liam helped me through my heat. But...


I seem to be looking at him.. Caught in the new desert sands that are his eyes. ...they are pretty nice to look at, aren't they?

My attention snapped towards the door, letting my arms rest beside me as I heard Liam scream my name.


I glanced at Marky for a second and then back at the door. Liam's footsteps grew closer and my mind remembered how hungry I was. Smiling with nothing but absolute joy to finally have something good to eat!

"Pizza?!" I yelled, running towards the door. My head peeked out to the right and saw Liam walking down the hallway, holding a square box.

"Yay!" I walked out and grabbed the pizza. Along with Liam's hand. Dragging the both of us down to the kitchen. "C'mon Marky!"


I put the box on the long table and opened it. Steam whistling out as my eyes landed on bunch's of green and red, telling me that this is in fact my veggie pizza!

Grabbing a napkin with a slice on top and pulling out a chair to sit. Liam grabbed a piece and sat down next to me. Marky soon just sitting across from us.

As I chomped down on my food, I started to wonder something.

"Where's Jake and Drew?" I asked. Cheese poking out from my mouth.

Marky gave a confused face. And Liam looked up in thought. "I think I heard them talking in Drew's room on my way back to you guys." My best friend explained.

"Oh-" I muffled. Swallowing the last I had in my mouth. "We should go back to them after we're done eating!" I smiled.

"Alright." Liam smiled back.

I turned my head over to Marky. He was on his phone with a very bitchy facial expression.

"You sure you're not hungry, Marky?" I asked sincerely.

His face lightened and looked up at me. "Oh- yeah I'm sure."

I shrugged and just grabbed another piece.


"Yo what's up you two!" Liam yelled.

Us three were finished eating and cleaned it all up. Only thing left to do was see what Jake and Drew were up to.

They were both talking on two bean bag chairs near his window. Drew looked upset, but he always looks like that so- I'm sure it was just casual conversations .

Me and Marky followed behind Liam as we walked into the room.

Liam sat down on one of the other two bean bag chairs and Marky sat down on Drew's bed. Where should I sit?

I walked over and sat down on the other chair next to Liam. Sense it was kind of our thing-

One time we were dared to have a chugging competition. Who ever drank all of their can of monster first wins, but I spilt some of mine all over me. Leaving one of the chairs to have a stain. Ever sense, me and Liam always sat down on the bean bag chairs together. Just because it was a nice memory.

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