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"His very handsome face."
{[Sleepovers]} Chap. 11
-Henrys POV-

I blushed angrily, "Don't call me that." I pointed at him.

He chuckled and just looked away.

"That's a good idea! Let's go Jake!" Drew said to his blonde counterpart.

I turned to them real fast. They started running out of the pool and splashing into the hot tub. Liam also walked his way over. After I saw everyone there, I told myself I should to.

I sat in between Marky and Liam. Drew and Jake across from me in this circular hot tub.

"So what took you so long to get down here, hen?" Drew asked me bluntly.

I hesitated, "W-well.. I didn't know what to wear. I went back n forth between a couple options.."

All I heard was a 'Pfft-' in response. After that it became quiet.. awkward silence filling the whole room.


"You really are a whore, Henry-" Jake laughed.

I was caught off guard.. I didn't even know how to respond. But just when I was gonna try to put some words together, Marky spoke for me.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He seemed angry as he glared at Jake.

"Look at you three." Drew said. "Henry's got two guys in a fricken hot tub right now. Must be nice having not one but two alphas all of a sudden, huh Henry?"

Marky wasn't having this.. "Shut the fuck up Drew. Before I make you."

It was weird seeing him like this.. I whispered to him. "It's fine Marky.." That seemed to be enough for him to calm down and sit back beside me.

I knew Drew and Jake were just playing around- and I don't take things they say too seriously.

But.. the way that Marky stood up for me so quickly... I wonder why he did it-

An awkward silence filled the giant room.. no one saying anything after all that.

"Wait- Drew, do you have enough bedrooms for all of us tonight..?" I asked.



"So yeah- we should all be fine I think." Drew rubbed the back of his head with a tiny blush. "I can fit someone in my bed, and then there's the two guest rooms."

We were all standing in the hallway, I guess deciding on who's sleeping with who. There was Drew's room; he had a queen size bed and so did the guest rooms.

Drew had also explained to us that no one is to step foot in his parents bedroom. Even if they are away, they hate it even if Drew goes in there.

Really makes me wonder what it looks like...

"Yo Drew, can I sleep with you tonight?" Jake asked, raising his hand slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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