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-Henry's POV-

"So does this mean we should try again?"

I swung a punch right into his stomach as hard as I could.

He was now lunched over, holding his stomach as he laughed hysterically. Gasping for air once or twice.

I just stood there. My frustration soon showed a frown. Though having him practically dying in front of me, not an once of joy streamed through my body. Which is very weird sense I definitely didn't want a child this early in life. But some part of me longed for just that..

A child I could hold, and cuddle, and call my own. Something to give me responsibility. A person that would rely on me for its entire life. A being that I'd do anything for because that would be my job. Take care of my kid.

And yet, none of that will happen.
Not anytime soon..

-Liam's POV-

I stood up straight again. Still giggling from Henry's reaction to what I suggested. But.. once I looked back at him, he was looking down. His face disappeared just like that. Head drooping down as he stares at my rug. What's he thinking about?

My happiness left me immediately. I stuttered my words a little.. "H-hey... I-I didn't mean it literally..."

I walked close to him. Rubbing my right hand ever so lightly along his cheek. Feeling his soft green hair and pushing it back.

He choked. Bursting into tears.

My eyes widen. He fell into my arms. Hugging me close and crying on my chest. I rap my arms around him, rubbing circles on his back.

"Are you a- alright..?" I asked.
He sniffed, "I-" He hugged me tighter. "I don't know what's wrong with me!"

I ever so slowly tried backing away to look at him, but he only tighten his grip on me. "I don't want you seeing me cry."

"I don't care if your crying. I wanna look at your face.." I told him. He hesitated. Slowly loosening his arms from under me. Still laying his forehead against my chest.

My fingers tugged his chin up.

Looking in his wet eyes was like looking at a shattered mirror. Except his have a secret.

"Why are you cryin hen..?" I frowned.

He took hold of my wrist that was supporting his jaw. "I... don't really know..." He gulped, "I just have this sickeningly sad feeling. I've never felt this empty before. ...Like there's something missing..."

I blushed, "Did-   Did you want to have a baby with me..?" His face flushed as he stuttered. Letting go of me.

"U-uh n-no!" His eyes dropped, "I think the omega part of me did..."

That statement only made me think one thing.
Did the alpha part of me want that too?

-Henry's POV-

"Do you wanna lay down?" Liam asked me.

I thought about it, "Only if you lay with me." Hiding my face against his chest.

He paused when a muffled sound of a door slamming shut came from down stairs. Jake and Drew must be back.

"Do you want me to make up an excuse so you can stay up here.?" He asked with concern.

"I-" I don't wanna lay by myself. I want him there with me. But that'd be too suspicious. Was telling them what happened that bad anyway?
I guess so..

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