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-Henry's POV-

When I entered Liam's room again, they were all just laying around. Drew was on the bean bag chair and Jake lied on the bed, while Liam sat at the end.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey." Jake responded. Still scrolling though something on his phone.

"Did you find the game?" I asked.

"We didn't look" Liam laughed. "My closet is really messy and I don't really wanna look through it."

I chuckled, "Yeah that makes sense."

"Okay- now that we've had dinner, and Henry's back, can we please take those gummies now." Drew said. His patience running thin.

"Yeah I guess." Liam smiled. Making his way over to his bureau where he hid his stash.

I watched as he grabbed a bag of pink gummy worms. Taking all eight of them out of their rapper, and passing two to each of us. I was still standing by the door when he gave me mine.

After the conversation I just had with Steph, it felt wrong to take these. What if I am pregnant? Wouldn't this hurt my baby.. I don't wanna do that. But at the same time, what if I'm not. And I'm just worrying over something that isn't going to happen.
But still... I don't think I wanna take that risk.

"You okay hen?" Liam asked.

My head immediately snapped up from my previous stare at what lied in my hands. Completely running off course from my train of thought.

I walked forwards towards Liam. He had just gave Jake his two and was about to sit back down.

"Uh- I'm not really feeling it today... but you guys take them! I'll just be.. here." I said. I placed my share back in Liam's hands, before sitting down on his bed.

He gave me a very confused look. But it more so held concern than actual cluelessness. Turning away to place them back in their bag.

"That's weird of you hen- you were an animal last night. What happened?" Jake asked from behind me. I didn't bother to turn.

"I don't know.. I guess I'm just tired." I said.

"Couldn't relate." Jake said. Popping one in his mouth.

"Yeah and that totally has nothing to do with the fact you slept till 11:30 today." Drew argued. "Even after pissing your pants, you stayed snoring."

"Hey!" Jake pointed at Drew from across the room, "It's not my fault Liam's couch is wicked comfortable."

"Right.." Drew said. Rolling his eyes. "You're just lucky you didn't get any on the actual couch."

Jake laughed. "Yeah your right."


About two hours passed by, and things were very weird... well I was exhausted, but Drew and Jake were absolutely out of their minds. The two of them ate both their gummy's while Liam only had one. But like I said- Liam doesn't really get crazy like that.

It was so hard to keep my eyes open. But also getting the chance to see what we really act like when we do this is sort of weird. The things that drew and Jake are talking about and doing are so- I don't even know... awkward?

My head was drooping down.. softly hitting Liam's shoulder next to me. I wasn't asleep, but I I sure wish I was. Liam must've notice my tiredness.

"Hey guys, maybe we should go to bed." Liam looked behind us. Drew and Jake were sort of fighting on the bed. Though it didn't really look anything like a fight. They were just pushing and shoving each other for no reason.

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