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-Liam's POV-

"Your right mom." I said. Thinking back to the point she was trying to get across. "I should be there for Henry. No matter what."

"Haha so what are you gonna do?" She asked, laughing.

I pulled away from her and gathered my things, "I'm gonna go over to his house right now, and comfort him. Even if he truly is fine-"

"Which he's not." She cut in. Crossing her arms.

"Either way, I'm gonna be there to help him- uh.." I stopped to think. "Did you say he was in heat? I thought..."

"Well yes sense it's been a couple days sense you guys got jiggy wit it, his heat should be back by now."

I cringed at my mothers choice of words.
"Should I really be there if that's true?" I asked

"Right! Here take these!" My mom dug through one of the draws in our kitchen. "They might be able to keep that rut of yours under control." She winked.

"Eh.." My moms so awkward sometimes.. "Thanks mom."

"Of course!" She said.

I took the surpresents from her and walked over to the sink. Quickly getting a cup of water and taking the pill. That way it should be active by the time I get there. Hope he's not mad at me for this-

As I'm walking the short distance to Henry's house, I ponder what he might be doing.



On his phone?

..in heat again

That last one almost felt like saying a swear. I really hope he's not.. I feel so bad for him. Every time he's said he was in heat, I've always wished I could help. Every time I only imagined how hard it might be for him. Having to go through something that painful and constant must be exhausting.. Just by his face, from those few seconds I saw Friday, I could tell that whatever a heat feels like- is entirely different from the ruts I've experienced.

When the rare occasion of my rut comes, it doesn't so much as hurt- but feels like.. uh..
-I just have this insane desire to shove my dick in something. Anything. It's almost like being hard, but at a different level. It's insane how much you wanna fuck something. But it only comes every few months though.. unless you've seen something quite enticing-

When I saw Henry's house come into view, Brandon, Oliver, Margot, and Lucy were all playing tag. Running around the house like crazy. I smiled at they're childish screams. All four of them were running from Brandon, I assumed he was it.

They all ran to the opposite side of Henry's bedroom window. So I should probably move fast- before they come back.

Ducking down a little, walking along the side of the house, I stopped at the omegas window. It was open a crack- Perfect!

I drew the window up. Enough for me to crawl inside. "Knock knock!" I said. Looking over at Henry's bed.

He seemed to just be in his jean shorts from earlier. Cuddled up into a fetal position, until he looked back at me with shock.

"L- LIAM!" He quickly grabbed his blanket and pulled it up to his chest. "W-Wha.. What are doing here!" He yelled. Getting up with the comforter and looking out the window quickly.

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