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-Henry's POV-

My eyes burst open as I breathe awake.

That was possibly.. the. weirdest. dream. I've ever had. I feel like I'm working against myself!

I lean away from Liam's body, taking in my surroundings. -And consciousness. Looking down at the clothes I'm wearing were the exact same as when I slept. MY white t-shirt and dark grey shorts. I sigh out of relief. What time is it?

I scramble through the sheets to my left, frantically searching for my phone. Grabbing the shiny black rectangle and looking at the time. It's 4am..

My hand rested against the blanket. Rubbing my other over my face.

I should probably go back to sleep.. Maybe I can talk to Liam about this tomorrow. Hopefully I can go home and escape this living nightmare of a weekend. And finally relax. It seems that everywhere I turn in this house, new problems await. When I'm home, I can take care of my siblings and sleep in my own bed. Finally.

Putting my phone back on my left, I placed my head back down, on a pillow this time, and tried falling back asleep.


Morning came around and all of us packed our things. Well, only me, Drew and Jake did sense Liam lives here- but still!

I guess I didn't use much of my clothes that I packed from home.. that was unnecessary- oh well. Better safe then sorry. Zipping my backpack back up, I twirled it around onto my back.

Jake and Drew had already left and Liam was waiting for me downstairs with his mom. Before I left his room I stared back at it. My eyes looking over every crevice, remembering all the things that happened only days ago. I made an oath to myself to forget about it all. Telling myself that everything that happened in this room, stays in this room. And I or anyone else should never bring it up again. It was my biggest regret, that I unfortunately can't go back and undo. Forgetting about it is easier and less stressful, therefore the route I want to take.

Nothing happened that Friday night.
And nothing will ever happen again.

Walking down the stairs, pushing all of that aside, Steph gave me a big bear hug. With a sweet kiss on the cheek. I smiled at her.

"Alright hen, I'll see you another time!" She says kindly.

"Okay Steph," I laugh. "I'll see ya."

She let go and walked away. Liam soon made eye contact with me as I walked closer to him.

"Well I'll see you at school tomorrow.." he said with a smirk. "Tell me if anything goes wrong.." he said sadder. Caressing my face and pushing back my hair, I blush unknowingly.

He leans into my face and goes to give me a kiss on the cheek, but I pull away stuttering.

"U-uh-h-h I-I wi-ill!" I push him back a little. Giving him a very nervous and uncertain smile. 

We stand there for a while. Slowly sinking deeper in the awkwardness that I've created. My smile obviously faded as I now scratch the back of my neck.

"Are you sure your okay..?" Liam asks out of no where. Awww he cares~ NO, stop.

My face turns up to his with a blank stare. "Uh-"
You should tell him about the dream. "..ummm" What about what Steph told you last night? Shouldn't he know that too?

"Yeah I'm fine." I say eventually. "I'll see you tomorrow Liam." I wave. Walking past him and opening the front door. Leaving him and my heavy emotions behind.

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