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Eloise ended up sitting between Ginny and one of her brothers, whom she introduced as Charlie. He was a big lad with bigger arms and a black earring with a tiny, sharp tooth that dangled like a question begging to be asked. Compared to Ginny and Percy's elegance, he was ruggedly handsome in the way Ron and George were. When he'd shaken her hand, he'd smiled big in a way that made Eloise feel less like a ghost invading a family dinner and more like a person.

She mostly sat in silence and ate while the Weasley clan talked over each other. It was overwhelming but in a good way. For the first time in a long time, she felt as though she was a part of a family. One that shouted more than spoke, but she didn't mind.

"Ronald! Eat with your mouth closed!" Molly shrieked in horror, staring at her son, who had an entire chicken leg in his mouth like a lolly, "Bill, Dear, can you pass the - Ginny! Stop throwing peas at Percy!"

Ginny grumbled an apology, but she grinned at Eloise conspiratorily. At that moment, she was sure her friend had been doing it for her benefit. Ginny knew grief all too well, and she was firmly set on offering Eloise a distraction, if only for a moment.

Fleur and Bill spoke quietly to each other, sharing private smiles. It was the first time Eloise had seen him in truth, and she took note of the thin scars that marked an otherwise handsome face. She'd seen the damage done by rogue werewolves during the war and recognized the claw-like pattern.

When Ron and Percy turned their heads together and began speaking in low voices, Eloise finally turned to face Ginny, "Are you going to explain exactly what's going on, or am I not allowed to know?"

Ginny smiled as if she'd just made a joke, "Mum hates it when we come here and talk about the Order. After Dad ... She also insists you're in too delicate a position to be disturbed for now."

In an equally low voice, Eloise responded with an edge to her voice, "I deserve to know the reason I'm not dead. As much of a relief it was, I'm starting to feel like I'm in Azkaban again."

Ginny couldn't control her surprise as her entire body turned to face Eloise, "What!?"

The table went silent, all eyes turning to Eloise.

"That's where they're keeping - " Ginny's eyes were as wide as an owl's.

"That's enough!" Molly was standing and bustling over before Ginny could finish her sentence, "I told you not to strain her."

Eloise batted away Molly's hand as the older witch went to help her out of her chair, "You mean you didn't know?"

"Kingsley's been requesting to hear your account of things for days," Percy spoke, ignoring his mother's angry glare. "If you're feeling up to it, it would be a great help."

"Of course," Eloise blinked, "Whenever. It's not like I'm doing anything."

"That's more than enough of this talk." Molly tugged Eloise up with surprising strength.

Eloise barely managed a glance over her shoulder, before she was herded like cattle from the kitchen and up the stairs. The remaining Weasley's shared eerily similar looks of concern tinged with hard determination.

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