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Blood, blood everywhere. It coated her skin like she'd been doused in a storm of it. Dennis' dead body lay in front of her, the rustle of the vines deafening over the thump of her heartbeat. They squeezed and squeezed and squeezed until his skull crumpled in on itself and then further still.

Crunching. Cracking.

Eloise jerked up in bed, nausea overtaking her entire being, but she pressed a hand to her mouth and dashed out the room and down the hall, trying to remember the proper door. She threw it open and was greeted with the glow of a much stronger Witchlight. But she didn't have time to admire the scenery. Her eyes fell on the toilet, and she skidded onto her knees before throwing up everything she'd eaten for dinner. 

She wasn't sure exactly when she felt the hands brushing her hair out of her face and holding it back, nor the voice that softly mumbled to her as her stomach cramped in pain. Only, when she looked up into the concerned eyes of Charlie Weasley, she felt her entire body turn to ice. 

"Are you alright? Are you ... pregnant?"

In answer, Eloise turned back to the toilet and threw up again. 

After emptying her stomach entirely, she finally collected herself and wiped at her mouth, before turning back to him, "I'm sorry, did you just ask me if I was pregnant?"

His freckled face flushed bright red, "I - "

"No. I am definitely not pregnant," in spite of herself, her damp forehead fell to her fist, and her shoulders began to shake with silent laughter. 

Charlie clearly thought she was crying, because his hands were flapping about like useless birds as he attempted to calm her, "Merlin - shite."

Eloise waved him away and tilted her head back, taking a gulp of clean air, "Stop fussing, Weasley. I'm fine. Really."

"Are you sure? I can get Ginny or ... "

"No. No, don't wake her. I'm fine." She repeated. It sounded more like she was trying to convince herself than the wizard who crouched before her, looking utterly distressed. She made a nonsense hand gesture, "It's just the memories. They wake me sometimes."

Understanding dawned in his eyes, and his brows pinched together in pity. Eloise prepared herself for more platitudes, but when he spoke, his eyes had turned down to his hands that were roped with faint scars she hadn't noticed before. 

"I can only imagine."

"Try not to." Eloise fisted her shaking hands and flushed the toilet, intending to stand up on her shaking legs and do her best not to embarrass herself. Of course, Charlie reached down before she could even make it out of a crouch, allowing her to steady herself on his arm. She didn't look at his face, instead turning to the sink and washing her hands with unnecessary viciousness, "It's best not to dwell on that which we cannot control."

When Charlie didn't respond, she forced herself to meet his eyes and smile. He was looking at her with the oddest expression on his face. Something between intrigue and confusion. He blinked when he realized she was watching him, opening his mouth to speak, but she beat him to it.

"I apologize for barging in here. Thank you for your help. I should ... " She trailed off and jabbed a thumb over her shoulder where the door lay open. Then, she fled. 

With every step closer to her room, her cheeks felt hotter, and her discomfort grew. After her time with Molly, she had been so set on appearing whole and hearty, only for the façade to crumble within a day. She hoped Charlie wouldn't turn 'round and tell Percy all about her meltdown. He'd just love that. 

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