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With the speed at which the wizards and witches moved about, one would think that this had been the plan for months, not hours. Tina had organized all available Aurors and had given them a rousing speech which Eloise remembered absolutely nothing from. She'd still been reeling over the fact that ten white-robed Healers had been whisked away with an emergency Portkey minutes before, along with Charlie, Jonthatan Greywitch, and a pug-nosed old man. 

Her hands shook as she adjusted the straps and buttoned up the MACUSA-issued uniform that fit her just a bit too tight in the shoulders and too loose in the waist. Tina had thrust the leathers in her direction as she'd passed by with a bag full of parchment scrolls and maps. 

Eloise slid her wand into the hidden spot in her vanbrace, flexing her wrist to test the speed at which she could send it flying into her hand.

The office space that had been so nondescript hours ago was full of witches and wizards wearing grim expressions and similar clothing. They talked amongst each other in hushed tones, sparing Eloise many interested glances. She was sure that many of them had already viewed her memories, but she found that she didn't much care. 

"Ready to go, Honey?" Tina's silky voice had Eloise turning to look at the bombshell. She looked nothing short of lethal. In tightly-fitting combat leathers, Tina Greywitch had adopted a grim but almost hopeful glean in her eye. It was a wonder the witch could alter the warm ethereal energy that she'd first exuded with such ease. "The first Portkeys are ready if you'd like to join me and the first wave. We'll head to your base of operations and set up there."

Eloise nodded, following Tina across the room and down the hall as she tugged nervously at her hair that she'd hastily plaited as she'd been waiting. They entered a large room that had an enormous circular table at the centre of the room with a glittering tiara sitting atop the table innocently. There were five brutish-looking wizards that stood in a loose knot to the side of the room, all of them looking up and standing at attention when they caught sight of Tina. 

"At ease." The witch murmured, pushing the thick fabric of her cloak past her elbows and holding out a hand to Eloise. "Ready for crossing?"

"Yes, ma'am," one of the five gave a jerking nod of his chin. They all stepped forward as a unit and gripped forearms with each other like it was the most natural thing in the world. The one who'd responded to Tina reached out to place a hand on her elbow just as she reached forward to touch one gleaming diamond on the tiara with her pointer finger. 

Eloise had never taken a long-distance Portkey before, and she never would again if she could help it. The squeeze through space and time was three times as long as Apparating any distance, feeling as though her insides had been fed into a pastry bag and were being squeezed out through some flowery tip. When her feet hit hard earth, she fell to her knees on the ground and retched painfully, her stomach shuddering in agony. 

The world didn't quit its spinning for long enough for the thought to cross her mind that it might never stop. Finally, everything returned to rights, the grey of the evening sky coming into view and the brown-green of the spring grass between her clenched fingers. Eloise took a shuddering breath and fell back onto her ankles. 

The wizards who'd come with her were already retreating in the direction of Castle Pendragon. Tina stood a few paces behind them, her worried gaze resting on Eloise. When she managed to totter to her feet and begin to jog to join them, Tina just nodded and began on her way again.

The moment they stepped foot into Castle Pendragon, there was not a moment more of peace. Tina was greeted in the foyer by all three heads of the Order, Hermione looking extra grey since Eloise had last seen her. Kingsley, Percy, and Hermione showed the way to the office to Tina and her entourage to meet with Jonathan and the pug man. 

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